Crochet "Chat"

Someone posted this on my FB and I thought it was very useful

Love this!!
I haven't got a picture yet, but I did a Brain Waves ski beanie for my husband yesterday. Last night my husband was working on his 20' Dr. Who scarf (yes, I married a tattoo covered Irish tough guy who knits) and I wanted to do something "Who" so I started a tardis beanie. My own pattern since I didn't like any I found online.
I haven't got a picture yet, but I did a Brain Waves ski beanie for my husband yesterday. Last night my husband was working on his 20' Dr. Who scarf (yes, I married a tattoo covered Irish tough guy who knits) and I wanted to do something "Who" so I started a tardis beanie. My own pattern since I didn't like any I found online.

I haven't been crocheting much lately b/c I have been quilting, my current project is all Doctor Who squares. I have done Gallifrey, and a Weeping Angel, now I am doing the TARDIS

I am about to start a new fusion blanket, w/ the quilted side quilt squares from the yellow/blue swap, and the crocheted side from the flower swap.
I love your Round Grannies and your bags are lovely too. I knit the round front of a pillow to coordinate with my latest afghan. I decided the knitting was a bit too intensive for my liking, so I'd considered a Round Granny for the back. Thanks for the eye candy! :)
I haven't got a picture yet, but I did a Brain Waves ski beanie for my husband yesterday. Last night my husband was working on his 20' Dr. Who scarf (yes, I married a tattoo covered Irish tough guy who knits) and I wanted to do something "Who" so I started a tardis beanie. My own pattern since I didn't like any I found online.

I just did a brain waves beanie too! I love it!

Sounds like everyone is busy, but has found time here or there for a quick project! I've been working on some quick short infinity cowls. I started a blog and posted how I make them today:

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