Crochet "Chat"

Thanks! They are pretty easy to whip out! And the Hometown USA yarn has some awesome colors to choose from!

Does anyone else on here have a blog they keep up to date?
I do. It's a homesteading blog called The 104 Homestead and as a somewhat shameless plug, I do "blog hops" on Fridays so if you want to share exciting content from your blog or you want to get some great ideas, you should swing by.
Hellooooooooo! LOL. Well, I can't believe that I was the last to post here, but I must say something: Never do an impromptu puff stitch on a tote bag that does not call for it unless you want your tote bag to take an entirely new turn! See what happened to my "rectangular" tote. I call this my "Sundress Tote". You can see why.

Hellooooooooo! LOL. Well, I can't believe that I was the last to post here, but I must say something: Never do an impromptu puff stitch on a tote bag that does not call for it unless you want your tote bag to take an entirely new turn! See what happened to my "rectangular" tote. I call this my "Sundress Tote". You can see why.

Haha - love it! Great colors, too!
Thanks! At least, I didn't have to throw it away! It's actually in our web store now, LOL. But, really, I did NOT plan this one!
Haha! I was just laughing out loud! What a funny accident!

My most recent project is something I'm calling the "You Are My Sunshine" afghan. It is a 1 ft. granny square block afghan in light grey and yellow.

Coincidentally, I've also been making 12" blocks for a couch throw! Mine are all in shades of turquoise/aqua/blue-green with some cream/off-white or super light yellow for a something extra.

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