Crochet "Chat"


thanks I'll let you know how It's coming along. I tried one I found but it looked like a circle.

I found another one.

purr I would love to see your squares/ hexagons
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LOL!!! The circles are so cute too!! You can make yourself a circle throw like mine..look at, it;s the retro circle throw...very nice!!! Good job!!!
We have two silkies that were in our shipment of bantams from Ideal that have the dislocated leg. They are super cute and cuddly! I'm afraid one of them isnt going to last long, Gimp, the lil black one, he cant seem to scoot around too well. His hips are shifting to disperse his weight when he moves, and the right one, the one he drags, it gets caught up on the wire floor. Now, Hobbles on the other hand, she's doing awesome. She's learned to use her lil crook like a hand. She holds onto things to help herself. She's still smaller then the rest, but she might make it. Dont know how I feel about this possible house chicken though... lol
Thanks everyone for the hugs. It really broke my heart to find her like that.
I still can't see how she managed to do it. I hammered all the ledges off today so this will not happen again.

Those hexagons are the color possibilities.

JMajors...a fellow BYC....has 2 babies that are about the same age as the chicks I have and he is coming my way Thursday and I'm driving down to meet him. He has a splash and a white. I guess they come from DispyDoodle. Plus he's giving me a bunch of hermit crabs free.
hermit crabs are cool! Up until they molt... then you find all sorts of legs running around with no bodies attached! eww! We crabsat for a few weeks last year, was a fun learning experience for the girls. Then they started molting..... freaked me out! Imagine what it did to the girls!!! MOM!!!!!!!!!!! SOmethings terribly wrong!!
Bob molted about 4 mo. ago. DD was crying said he was dead and I looked and was like yea he is ect.... looked him over again and found his new naked body deep in the shell. I hope he likes his new friends. He's always killed the others we put with him. Either he's a loner or a bully.
He's smaller now he molted so I think he'll be ok withe the others.
Crab legs!!
Funny thing is that Myles our cat eats right next to him. He never ever bothered the chicks until one day one escaped from the brooder and was sitting on his food dish. That didn't make him happy!
We call him Bob the Bully.
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Look what I learned to do last night!!!
(I's like a crooked seam to a seamstress)....but I finally did it! WITH MUCH HELP!
Last night our WM's (Womens Ministry) gathered after the Singing Supper to learn how to make booties for adults in our nursing home. (We didn't get that far)...more to learn Wed. night.
We had 2 dear ladies who are "amazing"...teaching us poor helpless, I could chain stitch and that was about it...
but anyway...very proud of myself.


I learn 'hands-on'...most of the time. They were right there...she would do the step...and I would do another one...once I got the hang of it...( she pulled my stitches SEVERAL times
) away we went...there were 2 other ladies who were learning like myself...and then several who could.

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