Crochet "Chat"

Hi everyone, Now that the holidays are over what is everyone working on or is everyone still recuperating from the holidays? I'm working on a baby afghan done in multiple baby colored blocks alternating with whiteblocks. I'm trying to use up some yarn. The granny square blocks are only two rows each and will be 20x20 blocks with trim around. Will try to remember to take a photo when it's done. I'm bad about that. I mailed out 5 afghans and didn't take any pictures. Shame on me.

I started on a shawl the other day with homespun yarn (grey/black colors) its looking pretty good and feels great, 1st time I'm using this yarn, ran out need to go get more. Then last night I got back to a very bright colorful granny square afghan I've been working on/off on for awhile now... getting close to being done.


The start of the afghan...


Heres the 1st half... still working on the 2nd half...

we got alittle dusting of snow last night, it just looked out the back door at the coop, everyone is still inside, better go thaw their water...

Looks great! I am using that same pattern for potholders right now. Ran out of Ombre Potpourri yarn so I have to go back to my afghan until I either go shopping (30+ miles one way so we wait for a list) or find someplace offering free shipping and order some.

How is everyone in crochetland this fine Monday morning?

Purr, I've had UPS deliver packages here for someone who lived here years ago...they just come back, pick it up & return to sender. Another time I had something shipped UPS to a previous address of mine & they sent it to USPS & it eventually got to me postage due. Pretty rude to keep a package that doesn't belong to you IMO.

Jen, did you ever finish that master bedspread you were working on?
Heck No! I was just thinking about that one this morning as I walked passed it laying on the floor in my room.... I'll get back to it one of these days. I do believe its going to take me awhile, cause I like to start and stop and make other things
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Can we hear an AMEN from the choir?

I love hand held projects and keep doing those and keep putting down anything bigger than a baby blanket....oh wait....I put those down too.

I am in the pot holder swap. And I know I shouldn't share this yet, but have you seen this?

A momma and baby chick pot holder patterns!!!!!

I cannot wait for my yarn to get here! And I couldn't keep it a secret any longer
WOW! Sounds like your fingers have been flying to finish 5 afghans. That's great! How long did it take you to finish each one? Yes, you must take pics to share of your finished projects. I love to see what everyone is working on. I feel like I'm still recovering from the holidays, but have finally found time to do a little crocheting.
Jen that looks fantastic!!!! I really love the tight pattern and bright colored yarn. What's the name of that pattern and what size hook are you using? I really love it! I started some reg. patterned granny squares with a multi-colored bright yarn, but was wishing it was a tighter stitched pattern. Thanks for sharing. Did you enjoy your bread you made the other day?
Can we hear an AMEN from the choir?

I love hand held projects and keep doing those and keep putting down anything bigger than a baby blanket....oh wait....I put those down too.

I am in the pot holder swap. And I know I shouldn't share this yet, but have you seen this?

A momma and baby chick pot holder patterns!!!!!

I cannot wait for my yarn to get here! And I couldn't keep it a secret any longer

OMG!!! I have a pile of unfinished projects to. My goal this year is to finally complete them, but what did I go and do...start granny squares and then last night I decided to start a scarf. LOL!!!!

Momma and baby chick pot holders sound adorable. I'll have to check it out. Thanks for sharing. I hope everyone stays warm today. I woke up to single digits this am. As soon as I get my house back in order I hope to do a little crocheting. Maybe finish the scarf I started last night. LOL!!!!
Majestic Farm - AMEN!
and the Momma/baby chick pot holders are cute.

Smitty's Farm wrote -
Jen that looks fantastic!!!! I really love the tight pattern and bright colored yarn. What's the name of that pattern and what size hook are you using? I really love it! I started some reg. patterned granny squares with a multi-colored bright yarn, but was wishing it was a tighter stitched pattern. Thanks for sharing. Did you enjoy your bread you made the other day?

Thank you... I really like it too
Its a solid granny square heres the link on youtube
the only thing different is I did 16 dc in round 1, instead of 12. I'm using an I hook Boye.

The bread turned out great... we ate one loaf with dinner (well not the whole thing), I frozen 2 loafs and over a couple of days we ate the cinn./sugar loaf, man everyone liked that! I've got to make some more soon but 1st I've got to go to the store for more yeast

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