Crochet Granny Square Swap - Spring 2009 (Sign Ups ClOSED!!)

Shelley..all the swap specs are on the first page, very few rules really. Was pretty much hoping to challenge folks out of their comfort place with the squares and try something new like the popular make whatever you like

edited because I type like a blind person!! I really can spell!!!!
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We're doing good, feeling more secure in our thoughts on what to do. Please pray for guidence and strength. Poor me, I feel like I've been slammed by a Mack Truck!
That, and we have 50 mph+ winds today. So the wind headache is a wonderful feeling. Think I'll continue hiding from the world in my chair with my hook and keep busy. If ya need me, I'll be the lump over there----------------------------------------------->>
Thank you for caring. It really does help. I wish all of you knew how much you all mean to me. As the saying goes, with friends like you, who needs enemies? wait, is that the right one, or is it... Friends are like chocolates, some take more care nibbling?
I'm gonna see if someone at work can teach me how to crochet!
I would really like to join! My mom had a knit shop for a few years when I was a kid and she offered knitting lessons, I know how to do that (kinda) But I never learned how to crochet:(
I know I can I just need someone patient to help me!
I have a few more weeks to sign up-I'll get back when I can say I know how!
You sure are in the right place to learn!! Check the crochet chat thread, you can post pictures of your efforts and ask a zillion questions and lucky for you this swap is "shapes", becasue circles are good for beginners and so are the hexa gons...I suggest you check the site and search for "dishcloths" and print out the circle one (same pattern with lots of color changes on the site) and a hexagon one, then watch the how to crochet videos about a dozen times and give it a try...bring any of your questions to the group and soon you'll be a pro-hooker, lol!! Let me know when you want on the list, happy to have you, lots of beginners in this group so no worries
Welcome new member but SE> I have a problem. I thought sign up was closed so I didn't make enough.
Can't I send you a few extra soon? I do't want to cause you to run short!

I just figured, like me, you were compulsive and needed to get them done and out of the way!!! They technically aren't due to be sent in to me until May 1st so yeah, you made the deadline, lol! I totally understand being organized!! We'll close sign ups on March 1st
Official sign-up opens on February 1, 2009 and Closes on March 1, 2009. All items are due to me no later than May 1, 2009.

so if you want to make more, feel free!! lol!!! Wild sent me some too so I do have some extras if we run short though
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