Crochet Granny Square Swap - Spring 2009 (Sign Ups ClOSED!!)

I have been working on my shapes and have quite a few done. Thing is, when I make new ones, then some of the old ones I think arent so good. So I keep thinking maybe I wont send those and just make more. Well at least I am getting lots of practice.
It seems like I got it down to a good pattern I am happy with. I hope it stays that way.
Helllllllllloooooooo Hooooookers!!!! Here is your official "kick in the pants" to get these shapes worked on!!! You have about 6 weeks to get them done and that will sneak up on you if you haven't gotten started so take a skein and hook to work with you and do one a day at lunch or in the evening while you watch a day and you have them knocked out..squares still seem to be the preference but you can do the hexagons or circles too if you crank 'em on out ya'll!!!

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