Crochet Granny Square Swap - Spring 2009 (Sign Ups ClOSED!!)

Sorting and boxing tomorrow and outta here friday!! I think you will be most pleased!!!
All done with the boxing!! Added a few surprises but even without what I put in those flat rate boxes nearly had to be sat on to get them closed!!! They are crammed slam full of shapes!!! You all will be pleased, alot of happy dancing probably starting monday June 1st when ya'll start getting them. Those boxes are priority so except for Shelley in Canada, I figure everyone should have theirs before Saturday the 6th. Hopefully only a week or so after that for Shelley. I had to reopen them after I'd sealed them and bag up the soap, I got paranoid about the soap getting hot and the dyes fading onto the shapes that weren't bagged so nothing is in the boxes neatly, sort of crammed in there, should explode and overflow out when you open them, lol!! Shapes explosion!!! Anyway, it was fun, the shapes are varied and interesting and colorful..alot of bright colors this time. I do think you will all be pleased!!! So, again, I'll get all 12 boxes to the post office on my day off friday and they will be on their way to each of you that sent them in..everyone marked their shapes so you should have no trouble telling who sent what

Post on this thread any pictures you want about getting your boxes, otherwise be looking for Purple's new Fall Swap sign up thread!!!
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Woohooo.... I cant wait to get my goodie box, I'm soooo excited
this was my 1st swap, I thought it was pretty cool.

Thank you SE for doing the swap
It is so jam packed full I would advise saving it until you can sit down and devote full attention to the nice shapes inside!! You WILL be please, I am sure of that!!

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