Cross Continental Friends!!!

okay i've got tons of photos!

my fiance!

reckless meowing(hehe looks like a mug shot)

one of the chickens is somewhere in this photo

hes one of my favorite (i think its a rooster) he has white legs.

the one on the perch is a hen. the one in the back is i think a rooster.

his white legs!

my dog bell.

this one has white legs too.

this is only some of the land it goes farther back and more to the right.

the infamous purple house.

one of my sheep the baby one didnt want a photo

kitty the cat.

Good pictures.
Well, Merry Christmas everybody! I hope everyone's fine, sorry I didn't read all the back postings but I think I have a lot of catching up to do:) I hope everyone has a Happy New Year as we hope to in this household! I hope goodness to everybody and thattheir Christmas wish come true? I truely hope so!
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Hey all. Hope you all had a very merry Christmas!! Wishing you all a happy new year. Hope you have a good time tonight. For a few of you it's already next year! Great photos faith :) I thought it was just your kitchen which was purple not your whole house! It all looks very tropical and lovely! Happy new year all x x x x
hi i live in leicester, a "big city" compared to a "900 souls small town" (located in the middle of the UK) and am currently doing my a levels (no idea what that is in america, im basically 16 and in education). music wise i like a bit of everything. hobbies... well deffinitely keeping animals/pets, i play table tennis, i like a kick about (football, no not soccer, its called football) with my friends - not your average chicken enthusiast i guess! i have 4 hybrid layer hens and 3 pekin bantam cockerels which i bought as hens when they were younger which im currently rehoming! 7 chickens doesnt sound like much but it was a long battle to even get my parents to consider it seeing as we have a small garden and live in the city (cockerels dont crow toooo loud thank god!).

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