Cross Continental Friends!!!

Yum that sounds good! Horray for self sufficiency!
Karen, this made me chuckle! So glad your rooster is ok, poor thing!

You have crocs over there too, they are a source of much controversy here. Like marmite - don't know if you have that, you either love it or hate it!
Sounds like you have a big bit of land to have to protect it like that. That's the bad thing about the UK, because it's so small, unless you have a ridiculous amount of money no one has much land.

Righty oh, I'd best get out of bed and say hey to my duckies and the poopy mess, feed the cat and let the big duckies out! Talk later!
I love the feeling of having what we need. Even if the road closes we have eggs and milk. Even if the plane doesn't fly and the boats cannot come into port...Valdez is one of those places ...having a back up is always good.
I haven't read the posts I've missed except enough to see we have newbies here? :) I've been working hard the past few days and taking care of my Dad, so I haven't been online much, but I will be back to catch up soon. Hope you're all doing well.
Uh oh! The neighbors house is on fire! Hope they are okay (no ambulance, this is good). There are about 10 fire trucks out there. We live in the country and there is no water source so they have to haul water in for fires. Maybe I'll go take a peek because the firemen tend to be young and fit! Oh, and to check on the neighbors.

Lucky you-young and fit firefighters! Here they tend to be at least fifty pounds overweight. Rather odd to me. Unfortunate about your neighbor-same neighbor with the rooster attacking dog by there something your not telling us!

Good to hear from you Tarheel birdy-was wondering how you were.
LOL on the first poster and thanks on the second poster, I will try to see things that way.
I wake up just to see how my girls have fun without me and with some nice looking firemen! what about the pictures, I sure need a couple of that O-Shamo and like that light Sussex a lot, that's one of the first breeds my father use to cross for meat, also for eggs nice to see TarheelBirdy back here, we need someone normal if I've got to post a picture to explain a married woman, sure can appear like that
I don't know why the rest of the world continues to call them "Polish", it's a beautiful ITALIAN breed
That is the kind of chicken I want to raise! A friend of mine breeds them I just need to build a cage! Didn't know they were Italian. And don't get me started on firemen, maybe I'll post a picture of what all firemen and policemen should like!

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