Cross Continental Friends!!!

Pavovana, at its first, was a breed with many attitudes, raise so fast, can easily pass the 3 kg, the hens lays from 180 to 200 eggs per year

an huge selection to increase her funny haircut, with mass crossbreeds with Sultano and many others, create an ornamental race

in the XIX century, they appears more like the draw on the picture

just hope also Bionda doesn't have an end like that
Wow- that is a nice amount of eggs, I will be purchasing some ancona ducklings from a friend soon so maybe I'll see if she has any chicks to and bring home some. Won't my dad be so happy with me! Probably not.
now, I say you a phrase can fall you down from the three

the mottled ducks you call Ancona isn't an italian breed, they come out from an US cross between runners and mutes, they're impossible to find away from there

we're very far and got an entire ocean between us, swap some pure breeds eggs could be super funny, our respective selections are higher than, but, almost impossible, the risk of freezing eggs during the fly is too high

many times, they freeze on their trip from England
My friend lives much closer than Italy so no problems there! She has all kinds of chickens but not any turkens or O-shamo's.

Ancona's are on the very rare list over here in America, I didn't know that other places don't have them. Was just reading up on them and I read they came from runners-that's cool because that is the kind of duck I already have. Might end up with something rather interesting. And as long as I don't come home with a puppy then or a crazy boyfriend my dad will be fine.
You write me a really good new

maybe, s\he can find me some nice breeds, like the most wanted Madagascar

also a good selection of American Rocks or Rhode Island can be hyper nice

I can send you almost all Italian races, even rares, super beauty Padovana, my beloved blondes, three thousands kinds of Livornese, Valdarno, Siciliana (black, white, golden), the real Ancona, Bianca di Saluzzo
You could send them all the way to America? I thought you just said you can't do that. Maybe I mis-understood. I can be rather stupid at times.
It is very late here and I am off to bed. Talk to you later and thanks for the load of information. Goodnight and Good morning to you.
The neighbors seem fine, old women with food were arriving en masse when I wandered over to check. Cute firemen were there in numbers, too, which is reassuring. The house is fine, it was their barn.
I am refilling our fire water tank right now. It holds 3000 gallons, something like 120000 litres, and is very reassuring
in the summer. It is already in the 90's/30's+ and only April. We are in a drought so this means fires all summer, which have already started.
Here are some photos I took today.

I could use a super thermal box, who 99% don't use

the other big problem are the days the box rest on the airport for the customs controls

anyway, if you've got to send anything from and to CEE, write clearly on the papers GIFT, it avoids a lot of troubles

for the blondes there are no troubles, I can send you one hundred a week until you've not got your first chicks, they can be our first try, just to take the measures

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