Crow as a Chicken Predator?

Wow, this surprises me, too. We also have crows close by and flying over; I've never seen them pay any attention to the chickens. But then, I've never had anything but ordinary large fowl.

I wonder if it has something to do with its being polish, that this somehow might have attracted them, or even cause them to mistake it for something else? Just speculating, of course.
She's a Silver Laced Polish standard size. I have other breeds that are silver laced too so I hope coloration isn't what influenced the attack. Of course the polish are more likely to be off to themselves too.

It makes me sick to think that I have to add crow to the already large list of predators in my area.
This could have just been a fluke. Crows are usually harmless and even attack hawks as stated above. I wouldn't shoot any crow that you see. Is there some type of bird disease that makes them rabid enough to attack a chicken? Can crows get rabies? This just seems so unusual to me.

I'm so sorry about your girl. I wish her a speedy and healthy recovery.
my chickens killed a crow

That makes sense. I am going to stop wracking my brain now. I think that is it. It is the only thing that makes sense to me.
I've thought of something.. Is it possible that a young crow fell out of the nest and your bird got at it? I have seen robins attack my cat because she was eyeing a fallen baby bird.
Just an idea.

ETA: It was not just one robin, it was a group of them. They kept swarming the cat to protect the young. We took the cat inside and the baby survived. We did not touch it.
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