Crow stealing eggs!

It will be curious to see how long it lasts.

When we moved here 53 years ago the crows routinely knocked the lid off the garbage can and strewed trash around the yard. I padded the jaws of a jump trap and set it on top of the garbage. Early next morning pluperfect heck broke loose - I caught a crow. Every crow in the neighborhood was circling and screaming in anger. When I came outside they left. I eventually let the crow go, and there's never been a problem since. Crows educate one another on what is 'bad'.

For the OP shooting one crow and leaving it visible in your yard will cause all crows to stay away for a long time.
As said crows are very smart, just pick up the shotgun and pop off a few shells at them, they will go away. They will tell others, and they will tell others etc. etc. and so on. Next thing you know crows will be calling warnings and flying away even when you are 50 miles or more from home. And thats even if you change your appearance, grow a beard, cut it off, long hair, short hair, clothing, they will still know who you are.
As said crows are very smart, just pick up the shotgun and pop off a few shells at them, they will go away. They will tell others, and they will tell others etc. etc. and so on. Next thing you know crows will be calling warnings and flying away even when you are 50 miles or more from home. And thats even if you change your appearance, grow a beard, cut it off, long hair, short hair, clothing, they will still know who you are.

:) I think you are right! I shot at them twice and they are gone and haven't come back. The shotgun technique to scare birds off works with the starlings, too. We keep them off of our property by just shooting in the air near where they are. They are not as smart and need to be reminded every couple of years. Now if I could just get rid of the danged pigeons so easily.

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