CS15 -- The Official Michigan Chicken Stock Information Thread for June 20, 2015

This is interesting. Does Raz make bat houses? I used to volunteer for the Organization for Bat Conservation in Bloomfield back in the late 90's. They have an awesome bat house design,different sizes and made of cedar. I was thinking of ordering one myself. So, whats the deal? I don't mind buying from Raz. :)
If anyone near me has bat problems, give me a shout, I have my rabies shots. Questions also welcome. :)
I can make you a bat house.
I also have the bluebird house replacements that went missing last year.

Can do other things if people want them. Shoot me a PM.
Just hopped on here to see what was up with the Chickenstock this year... Very sad that things are turning out this way (I feel especially bad for 4-Hers in their last year), but biosecurity is important for the birds we all love. I'll miss seeing you, Wynette!
I might not attend...I've made arrangements to get my birds from Wynette later in the month, and no one seems interested in my BLRW chicks, who I've been told by breeders to grow out more anyway to pick the best for breeding. I have eggs for G to decorate if anyone from West MI area is going and wants to take them. I also have reservations about picking up anything and bringing it home from the people who buy up the roosters as I am sure they don't quarantine or care about biosecurty and get the dinner roosters from anywhere. Maybe we should try in the fall? I would love to meet up with everyone!
I'm really getting bummed seeing so many people opt out of coming.
And, it appears more people are now opting out due to the potential of birds being brought to the picnic vs not "being able" to.

I, too, have made arrangements to get my girls from Wynette at a later date (we made this decision long before the quarantine).

My interpretation (again, this is my interpretation, not trying to start a debate or be argumentative) of the recent MDARD quarantine is that no birds should be at the event (whether considered public or private).

That aside, if we, as a group, decided NO BIRDS; would more people change their decision to attend?

For me personally, it is the getting together & visiting in person with the members we spend the year virtually "talking" to that has made the event so special....
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PK, I had a response all ready before chores and deleted it. I feel like you do. I wanted to mention that Rose paid for the pavilion and did most of the legwork to make it happen. Anyone can still attend an event and bring anything they want other than chickens (if that's the consensus). The raffle, trades, sales, socializing, eating...it's still a good time rain or shine. Arrangements can be made for pick-up of birds at later dates/other sites. In all the years I attended I never brought, or left, with a bird...hmmm. I did leave with a rabbit, Gail's CS pansky egg, and a bunch of odds and ends! Oh and lots of plants.

I'm still bring charcoal and fluid. Since Wynette is not coming neither is the cook or hot dogs. Anyone have any grill ideas?
PK, I had a response all ready before chores and deleted it.  I feel like you do.  I wanted to mention that Rose paid for the pavilion and did most of the legwork to make it happen.  Anyone can still attend an event and bring anything they want other than chickens (if that's the consensus).  The raffle, trades, sales, socializing, eating...it's still a good time rain or shine.  Arrangements can be made for pick-up of birds at later dates/other sites.  In all the years I attended I never brought, or left, with a bird...hmmm.  I did leave with a rabbit, Gail's CS pansky egg, and a bunch of odds and ends!  Oh and lots of plants.

I'm still bring charcoal and fluid.  Since Wynette is not coming neither is the cook or hot dogs.  Anyone have any grill ideas?

I'm still bringing venison steaks.

I have no problem bringing hot dogs, too (if someone gives me a count).

I also have no problem helping with grilling (though would prefer not to do it all by myself).

I just want to get together & visit & do all the other thingsmentioned above...

BUT, if I recall, HH is NOT coming with you which means ..EGADS...NO mounds bar brownies (now THERE is a reason for ME not to come!)
It's not that simple to "try it in the fall" As John said, the Pavillion is paid for. Too late for a refund. Pavillion is booked for the season. Why can't everyone just settle down and just look at it as a picnic? Still talk about chickens and still have great food! This will actually give us time to visit and get to know each other, which was difficult when everyone was running around looking and buying chickens! Makes me sad that the chickens are more important than meeting the people behind the chickens!!
Brett and I are only bringing eggs to CS for Glambka. We are still going to look forward to having fun with our Michigan group of BYCers. Since we don't live too far from the event site, we are not going to bring anything but ourselves and clean unexposed to our chicken clothing for that day.

I personally think the AI thing is blown out of proportion on the State level (should put limit on bringing in birds to shows from out of state), but am a big supporter of being prepared to prevent any problems bio security wise.

I have stuff for the raffle table to bring and I am bringing regular condiments as well as some chili toppings for the "dogs" :)

It will be a good time and I hope more decide to come as I do not think anyone is going to bring birds that I know of.

We also arranged a head of time to get our chicks from Wynette and to make other sales around the event. In state only of course :)
Wow...I didn't expect to get snarked at. :(

I am a very busy person, drive over an hour to get there and then over an hour back. I am not 100% convinced I won't come, but I am very behind in my chores...still putting in my garden and have horses, the chickens who I am still not done building their pens. I have met a few that are still going and that's why I might still come...I enjoy their company. I also have a cha-chi that I got for the exchange table. And Gail's eggs. But I have to look at all I have to do and make a decision that way. And while I enjoy the people behind the chickens, I also enjoy the chickens.

Just sayin'.

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