CS15 -- The Official Michigan Chicken Stock Information Thread for June 20, 2015

No problem at all for some not coming, LOL! I personally have a great friend that has come for years and decided not to ride down with me. I just hope more people can make it than not. I know there a few people that make last minute plans to come. I would like to see a few of the people that missed the last few years come back.

PK, I'm going to bug, er, ask, Laura one more time and remind her the dessert table just won't be the same...

In any case, nobody should feel bad about the whole thing, God forbid my truck break down, or I get sick - I'd never here the end of it, ha ha!
Sorry if your feelings were hurt, but i'm just saying, also. I drove over an hour to reserve the pavillion. I will drive over an hour to attend. I plan on taking a day off fromm my chores to visit with other bycers. Yes, it would be fantastic if we could sell and swap, but we can't. So let's make the best of the situation and just have fun!!
yummy for chocolate cake . . . . . & hoping P K makes the mounds bars to bring - i missed out trying them last year
maybe could message me the recipie ?

I can do that!
I'm hoping John can persuade HillbillyHen to make some even though she's not coming this year (mine just don't seem to come out the same as hers!).
I can make you a bat house.
I also have the bluebird house replacements that went missing last year.

Can do other things if people want them. Shoot me a PM.

Cool! Cedar? I'll take one nursery size and one bachelor size. Thanks, see you on the 20th! :) Oh ya, pm me cost before you build please.

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