CS15 -- The Official Michigan Chicken Stock Information Thread for June 20, 2015

I'm really getting bummed seeing so many people opt out of coming.
And, it appears more people are now opting out due to the potential of birds being brought to the picnic vs not "being able" to.

I, too, have made arrangements to get my girls from Wynette at a later date (we made this decision long before the quarantine).

My interpretation (again, this is my interpretation, not trying to start a debate or be argumentative) of the recent MDARD quarantine is that no birds should be at the event (whether considered public or private).

That aside, if we, as a group, decided NO BIRDS; would more people change their decision to attend?

For me personally, it is the getting together & visiting in person with the members we spend the year virtually "talking" to that has made the event so special....

Here's an idea everyone! Why don't we meet in a hall or hotel banquet room, everyone in non- chicken clothes. That way we can still see one another without all the risk. We will just have to wait on bird selling/swapping until avian flu epidemic is over. So, What say you all? @RaZ What I suggested is doable, what do you think? Maybe we should put it up for a vote?
Here's an idea everyone! Why don't we meet in a hall or hotel banquet room, everyone in non- chicken clothes. That way we can still see one another without all the risk. We will just have to wait on bird selling/swapping until avian flu epidemic is over. So, What say you all? @RaZ What I suggested is doable, what do you think? Maybe we should put it up for a vote?
The pavillon is paid for; and it is now too late to get a refund...

There is no reason to not keep the same place...the decision just needs to be finalized on birds being at the event.
I stated my opinion a day or so ago..I feel the quarantine applied to public AND private events...no birds...

Maybe that fact that Avian flu has now been confirmed in Michigan will "help" the vote :)
The pavillon is paid for; and it is now too late to get a refund...

There is no reason to not keep the same place...the decision just needs to be finalized on birds being at the event.
I stated my opinion a day or so ago..I feel the quarantine applied to public AND private events...no birds...

Maybe that fact that Avian flu has now been confirmed in Michigan will "help" the vote :)
I didn't realize it was too late to change venues. I agree that there should be no birds while AF is around. I am supposed to be a photographer for this event. I live a long ways away so if hardly anyone is going to show up...??? I don't know, I do try to keep my word when I volunteer for something. Everyone has a cell phone camera these days, but we should come to a vote and count how many are attending. I mean, it would be a shame to waste the pavilion and food and all. We should all just swear to be clean and in street clothes so no one has a bird health issue after the event. If someone knows they have active mareks or coccidia or something, they should employ good bio security in order to attend or, stay home. Does this sound reasonable to everyone?
Just to let everyone know...
I have it on good authority that law enforcement personnel will be monitoring the roads leading to and from Chicken Stock 15. State, county, and local units will be targeting anyone driving too fast. To avoid the potential of receiving a ticket everyone should just stay home, locked inside with the curtains drawn.
Just to let everyone know...
I have it on good authority that law enforcement personnel will be monitoring the roads leading to and from Chicken Stock 15. State, county, and local units will be targeting anyone driving too fast. To avoid the potential of receiving a ticket everyone should just stay home, locked inside with the curtains drawn.
Cute (and funny) RaZ...

BUT, in an EFFORT to maybe get some folks that have opted out DUE to the potential of cute, feathery critters being in attendance...

Just sayin...

(I'm still bringing venison steaks...)
I just read a post on FB that said if you feed your hens sauerkraut then they will be immune from the flu.

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