CS15 -- The Official Michigan Chicken Stock Information Thread for June 20, 2015

Just to let everyone know...
I have it on good authority that law enforcement personnel will be monitoring the roads leading to and from Chicken Stock 15. State, county, and local units will be targeting anyone driving too fast. To avoid the potential of receiving a ticket everyone should just stay home, locked inside with the curtains drawn.
Did you get that from one of the cops from GCPD???
You guys are killing me ..

John, have you "convinced" HH to make Mounds Bars? If not, MAYBE, MAYBE I can whip up a batch on Friday; no guarantees as I have TON to do (I, know, like the rest of you don't??)

I could have used a slice of that chocolate cake last night when my chocolate craving hit at 21:15...at which point I saw the TINIEST fawn ever (it must've just been born..) in my back yard ...
And the panic sets in.....

Why change venues? No birds. Problem solved! No chocolate?..you know some are allergic. On and on it goes. Common sense. We ask that every year to keep our birds safe. I'm with RaZ on this one with his sarcasam! Lol
Me? Sarcastic?
Wow...haven't been on for a few days and just catching up on posts! Yikes! Let's just meet up for a gab fest...some good food and exchange some homemade goodies and plants.
Pavilions reserved, food is planned, whoever comes comes!! I'm driving 2 1/2 hours one way. DH is finally attending this year, I'm sure he would love to grill hotdogs :D

Mary, I switched to bringing water since I saw you had the hot dog buns. Sounds like you won't need too many. :(

Thanks to everyone who is transporting/bringing eggs for me this year. I've made quite a few and 2 really awesome ones to raffle...they say 2015 Chickenstock...to remember the infamous year of the "Chickenstock that wasn't".

RaZ....maybe mid week you could give us an idea of anyone who has backed out and the food they were going to bring....if it's something we really need (like condiments) I'd be happy to pick up something more.
Woohoo. We have a solution! Just like the state fairs are doing... I propose that anyone wishing to bring a bird can bring a replica for us all to enjoy. I understand they have feathers and everything. Maybe they lay eggs too. :/
Brett and I are going, without birds but with eggs for Glambka.

We will bringing the stuff to put on the hot dogs :) and some neat things for the raffle.

The raffle table alone should bring in the crowds! Right? neat little goodies to win :)

AI in Michigan was always a possibility due to the Canadian Geese migrations. I am not going to have sleepless nights worrying if my chickens get it and put them all in hermetically sealed haz-mat suits. Although....they would look pretty cute in those with little beak respirators, don't you think?

Things happen no matter how cautious, we are not in a panic that is just not our style :)

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