CS15 -- The Official Michigan Chicken Stock Information Thread for June 20, 2015

Oh good, RaZ! I was going in panic mode!
We'll probably only need a dozen tickets...
Well... I still hope to come...... however, I have sold my goat herd and not sure if she'll want to pick up on Saturday. I'm going to push for early in the am on saturday or on sunday.
Sorry...no raffle tickets here, but we could always make something up if the crowd isn't huge...which it looks like it won't be.

If anyone is coming from or near Zeeland and can pick up some eggs from jackieandChicks, please let us know...they need to hitch a ride to CS.

Also, lastly ...if anyone has any kind of eggs...I'm still buying. Please PM me if the cost is more than$3 a doz...otherwise, I'm good. Looking forward to next week, hopefully weather is better than today!!
I'll be sending some duck eggs your way, probably only a couple dozen, but will send as many as I can. They are on the long side of fresh, my regular buyer has been out of the country for several weeks so they're older than I like to sell them. :) No charge for them - I'm not using them anyway.

I'm bringing hot dog buns too, but how many? I also have many blue size 11 leg bands for chickens, if anyone is interested. I've got eggs for Gail, and/or hatching eggs. Mary
Will someone please do an estimate of how many folks are attending? I'm going to buy the hot dogs today or tomorrow, and I need to know how many, and Mary needs to know how many bunzolas (sorry, that's what my DH calls them) to pick up. MANY THANKS!!

Im not going to be able to go this year :( I may have spent a little too much on the building of our chicken coop...
Understood, please don't feel badly about spending on a coop - it's a one-time thing, now you can sit back & enjoy the chicken TV!!
I could have sworn I put my name and Krisrose in. We'Re coming. I'm not sure what I'm bringing yet. Been busy making the house pretty to put on the market today!
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RaZ, I'm bringing the charcoal and fluid and Cindy is bringing a salad tray. For the food table.

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