CS15 -- The Official Michigan Chicken Stock Information Thread for June 20, 2015

I'm tired of the fight! I am going to give up.

A third hen has gone broody on me. So I think I'll try to find some fertile eggs and let them do their thing.
Would anyone want to bring a dozen eggs to CS for me? Any backyard mix would be fine unless someone has something really cool that would go with a mixed flock. Perhaps even duck eggs. Hmmm.
I have a broody Pekin, she sits on KC and P eggs but we take them away for our consumption. At this late date I can offer maybe 5 from today, and maybe a few in the morning, meaning what ever is laid between now and tomorrow AM before I leave for the 3 hour ride. Let me know soonest. Oh, I have two drakes servicing them so they should be fertile!
The raffle tickets, sign-in book, name tags and some other stuff are loaded into the truck for tomorrow. I have a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes; it's dark and I'm wearing sunglasses.

Hit it!
I just thought I'd mention it here. I found that my roosters have reached that age where they aren't getting along anymore and I need to rehome one of them. If anyone is interested in a 16 week old RIR, I'm about 30 miles south of Lansing. I unfortunately will not be able to attend CS'15, nor would I want to bring him as to not cause any bio-sec scares. We could potentially arrange a meet up somewhere though.

I'd prefer he not go for meat, as if that is his fate, I can do that. I'm more trying to avoid having to cull.

My post in the Mi thread


Feel free to PM me if you're interested or want more info about anything.
With much regret I have to say we won't be making it tomorrow. I'm really bummed because we were all looking forward to meeting everyone. Please post lots of pictures of the event and I hope we can do it next year. Have fun peeps.
I dug up the iris and daffodils and put them in a sack and that's the way I'm bringing them. No chemicals in my yard, fertilized by chickens. Want them, take them. If not, that's ok if you are not comfortable with my germy dirt.
Still have not decided on what to bring. No time! House hunting today, lunch with a few bycers tomorrow and then the picnic!! AHHHHH

ok, Up at 5:40 here, no sleep :( I'm ok with your "germy" dirt! I'm dying of sleep deprivation for the past week. I hope I make it tomorrow. Don't know if I'll have time to dig up any plants. Still bringing dish to pass for about 20 people. I may be late, I'd like 3 hours of sleep. :/
Nope you'll all have to bring your own or blow on the ground or in your sleeve

Well, I could just wipe it on my camera lens or your shirt!

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