CT Chickenstock-2009

We'll be 3, maybe 4.

Our girls are on restricted free-range this week, only allowed out for a few hours a day during midday: two nights ago something (we think a fox, but tracks weren't perfect in the slush) padded its way through our yard, right by the henhouse... Seems to have been more interested in trying to get at our compost, but still. We're hoping it was just passing through. We only see animal tracks once every year or two, despite being right against a nature preserve: our yard is surrounded by rock ledge, and with a good sized dog on the premises, apparently it's just not appealing to most animals. So far...
3 coming with me
I was just reading the Ocala FL chickenstock thread because I'll be visiting my Mom in Ocala at the same time they're having their chickenstock. They plan lots of chicken swapping/buying, and also a tag sale. I thought that was a great idea to bring to ours.

I can set up a couple of folding tables to display our wares, in the same area where the chickens will be. Like a "market". We'll have more chances to swap/buy. A tag sale might be a lot more fun (and useful) than any game or contest. I'm still working on putting together that band though...the band stays!

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