Current Movies - Thumbs UP or Thumbs DOWN

After many starts(5 or 6 I believe) I finally got to finish "Dr. Strange," on Netflix. Every time I watched, it would go black and it would say "Error occurred. Please try again later or choose another movie." NO, I wanted to see Dr.Strange and I finally did.

I saw it when it first came out and loved it, and seeing it again I enjoyed it just as much. I stayed through the credits and saw two bonus scenes which I had forgotten about.

Never had any problem with Netflix before but then my old computer didn't have Windows 10. It pitched a fit when I tried to use my printer. My son had to work on it remotely for 45 minutes and printer crashed twice but, he won. Looks like Windows also dumped my gmail acct.
I remember once I was in a cinema and the movie was really sad. You could have heard a pin drop, everybody was trying not to bawl out loud. All of a sudden, somebody did a big sobby breathe-in and everyone cracked up laughing. It really broke the tension.

I got a free ticket to see "Atomic Blonde" next week. Somehow, the few movies I've gone to have qualified me for a higher level in the cinema rewards program and they gave me free tickets.

I wouldn't mind seeing the new Kingsmen movie. The first one was good fun.
I finally saw Wonder Woman! And in the theater! :woot

It was very good. The underlying sadness/despair was a bit hard. I may have teared up a bit when he took the plane up. :(

I loved the little humorous when Diana was getting fitted for a dress...:lau Priceless!

I don't think I can do Planet of the Apes. Too dark for me if it's anything like the other one. I can take blood and gore or movies like John Wick 2. I think I liked John Wick 2 even more than Wonder Woman. :confused:
Too much darkness of the human condition is too much like real life for me.

I missed The Guardians of the Galaxy. :barnie I hope to catch it on Netflix. :fl
I like lots of crazy humor with my movies. :celebrate:wee
Okay, we saw "Dunkirk" today. If you are expecting another "Hacksaw Ridge", it's not. It is relatively intense , mind captivating and fast moving. Dialogue is minimal (good thing as I forgot my hearing aids) even the Princess found much of the dialogue, especially the fighter pilots, indiscernable. After all of what may seem negative on my part, it is a movie well worth seeing. I'll go a 3.75.
Okay, we saw "Dunkirk" today. If you are expecting another "Hacksaw Ridge", it's not. It is relatively intense , mind captivating and fast moving. Dialogue is minimal (good thing as I forgot my hearing aids) even the Princess found much of the dialogue, especially the fighter pilots, indiscernable. After all of what may seem negative on my part, it is a movie well worth seeing. I'll go a 3.75.

Glad you enjoyed the movie! May I ask what score the Princess would give it? :D
She didn't know the story of Dunkirk so she found parts confusing, but she enjoyed the movie. Just asked her, and she will only give it a 2.
TL;DR (too long, didn't read) if you're into scifi this is worth catching, even though the story is lackluster. the effects are so good that they make you forget the storyline more or less.

Went and saw "Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets" last night with the kids. Went in with no expectations, and with a daughter who was actively disinterested in another sci-fi type movie. I'm a sci-fi kind of guy, so this was right up my alley.

I'll be honest. The storyline is pretty trope-tacular, typical semi-bad boy hero and sidekick/love interest stuff. There are plot holes large enough to fly a battlecruiser through and the way the story itself jumps around is a little bit awkward.

Having said that, the VFX are incredible. There's so much going on visually that you can forgive the Swiss cheese story line because the eye candy is on point. It's a Luc Besson movie, so lots of visual effects, lots of things going on, and lots of immersion in awesome scenery. There were a couple of points where it came back around and reminded of the 5th element, and that's not a bad thing.

As for the actively disinterested 8 year old? She was completely hooked in the first 5 minutes and absolutely loved it.

It's PG-13, but IMO leaning more the the G side than the R side of the rating. There's no nudity, and the sexual content is probably more tame than many music videos today. I think it got that rating mostly because of the violence. If you have kids under 8 It might be a "go see it first" movie, but I'm fairly conservative in my opinion of what's appropriate for my kids to see and didn't have a major problem. Seriously, many of the popular music videos out today are naughtier than the scenes in this film.

If you like movies like The 5th Element, Blade runner, any of the Marvel movies, The Matrix, etc... You'll probably have a decent time seeing this. Go in with no expectations other than 2+ hours of awesome effects, and you'll leave happy. I'd absolutely go see it again, and we'll end up buying it when it comes out on bluray. If you don't want to pay full price, it's worth a matinee admission or catch it in a couple months at your local dollar theater to see it on the big screen with good sound at least once.
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