Current Movies - Thumbs UP or Thumbs DOWN

I don't get free tickets from our theatre but, I earned a $ 5.00 award toward my next movie ticket. That's always better than a poke in the eye.
Yep, every little helps. We have a "rewards" thing where you get a free movie every 6 you go to, but it goes on points and I normally go to the "fancy" cinema where you can eat and drink so I get more points and I can get free into the "ordinary cinema". But this was just extra, they just said you can see this movie for free (good, because normally you can't use your points on new movies).

Has anybody heard about this new one Battle of the Sexes about Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs? The trailer didn't look too bad.
I wonder what actors will play them.
Don't laugh, they actually look pretty believable in the trailer.

Emma Stone and Steve Carell.

EDIT: Saw "Atomic Blonde". Quite entertaining suspense spy story. Charlize Theron was very good in the main role, really energetic ju jitsuing all over, it was a very physical role with fighting all through it. Quite a lot of violence so if you're not into blood and guts it might not be for you. I don't go for gory stuff, but it was in the context of the story, so it was bearable (except for a couple of bits where I couldn't watch). Some really good car chase scenes, I usually find them a bit boring, but this was really well done, I thought. The rest of the cast was good. Wasn't overly drawn to James McAvoy's character, I'm not sure if that was him or the character itself. Wasn't great, but worth watching if you like that sort of movie.
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I just watched one on the telly, called "The Way". It's about this american man whose son gets killed in France when he's starting a walk along a pilgrimage trail across Spain. The man decides to do the walk when he flies over to collect his son's body. It doesn't sound like much of a story, but I really enjoyed it. It stars Martin Sheen, with Emilio Estevez as the dead son and he also directed the movie. Good supporting cast, lovely scenery and cinematography.
Emma & Steve were great in "Crazy, Stupid Love," with Ryan Gosling.

Actually I have never cared for James McAvoy's character in any of his movies.
I just started watching "Luther," on netflix starring Idris Elba - the man who SHOULD be James Bond. He was very good but, can't marathon all episodes in one day like I used to. Too much work piles up, which interferes with my frequent napping.
I think Steve & Tina Fey were in the movie "Date night." That was good, and Mark Walberg was absolutely muscle bound(as her prior boyfriend).
starring Idris Elba - the man who SHOULD be James Bond.
Luther's also a bit "heavy going" to marathon, I think. You need to go off and do something else to lighten the mood.
As for Idris Elba, I also think he'd make a great James Bond. Anyway, because I got to see those couple of movies this week, I saw some trailers and there were TWO with Idris Elba. He's in one where he's a "gunslinger", it's this sort of fantasy one, called "The Dark Tower". The other one is called "The Mountain Between Us" and it's about him and Kate Winslet in a plane crash in the snowy mountains (not sure which mountains, snow all around, nobody anywhere, you get the picture). Neither movie would particularly appeal to me generally, but given the "star power" and with Idris in them, I might end up seeing one or the other.

(there was another really scary trailer about this possessed doll)

I like Steve Carell immensely. He did a great job in the US Office. That new movie doesn't look too bad.
The Dark Tower opens at our shows next Friday. You are right about Luther, I am wondering how many times he gets angry in each episode. I've known men like that. My late brother in law for one.
My smoke alarm wouldn't stop "chirping,", changed the battery and it kept doing it. My BIL pulled the battery out- it was still chirping. He got furious - and tore the alarm off the ceiling and smashed it to bits with a hammer. Still "chirping," then we realized it was coming from the 'CO detector 'on the wall NOT the smoke alarm on the ceiling.

No apologies, or offers to replace it. So I had to buy another smoke alarm.

My sister and her oldest daughter learned to fix most things themselves because he would have a temper tantrum and get violent breaking things.
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Luther's also a bit "heavy going" to marathon, I think. You need to go off and do something else to lighten the mood.
As for Idris Elba, I also think he'd make a great James Bond. Anyway, because I got to see those couple of movies this week, I saw some trailers and there were TWO with Idris Elba. He's in one where he's a "gunslinger", it's this sort of fantasy one, called "The Dark Tower". The other one is called "The Mountain Between Us" and it's about him and Kate Winslet in a plane crash in the snowy mountains (not sure which mountains, snow all around, nobody anywhere, you get the picture). Neither movie would particularly appeal to me generally, but given the "star power" and with Idris in them, I might end up seeing one or the other.

(there was another really scary trailer about this possessed doll)

I like Steve Carell immensely. He did a great job in the US Office. That new movie doesn't look too bad.

Pretty sure "The Dark Tower" is based on a Steven King novel. I hope you do see it.
:pop ;)

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