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Pretty sure "The Dark Tower" is based on a Steven King novel.
Yes! It said that in the trailer. If I can use up a free ticket on it, I wouldn't mind seeing it. The trailer looked interesting enough and Idris is in it, so. ....

Do the rest of you pay attention to the cast? If I see certain actors' names, I'll watch a movie without any clue what it's about. And there are also some where I go "oh no" and it puts me off completely.
Yes it is. You never know what King is gonna throw at you. A gem like "The Green Mile," or "scary out of your mind," stuff. I'm hoping Idris will save me.
I don't know what you mean Potato chip. :p
Sure. Have you ever seen "The Big C"? He was in that. I wish I was Laura Linney's character. Sigh. He's handsome in an "old fashioned hollywood matinee idol" way, but he's also a really good actor. Did you see "The Wire"? He's also got "star power", because I'm not really interested in either of those movies except for him being in them. He'll make them good (also Kate Winslet is usually good as well).
My brother & I saw "Dunkirk" this morning. He rated it 3 stars out of 4. for the typical Nolan flaws of difficult speak recognition( sound track too loud etc.) but an important World War 2 story. My brother is also a history fan, I am not!!

I thought the movie was slow, tedious and confusing, seemed like every male had the same black hair and build. I could not tell one from another. I think the characters said one of the "clones' was a spy but, no one did anything to him. Characters were interchangeable and one dimensional, I really didn't care what happened to any of them. It was a short movie and yet it seemed to go on forever.

The only person I recognized was Mark Ryland, who won best supporting actor (Oscar) for "Bridge of Spies," with Tom Hanks. Ever since that movie I have been looking out for Mark and he is very good. I even went to see the kids movie last year "BFG" -Big friendly giant played by Mark. He was excellent in that too.

Just because Mark was in "Dunkirk" I'll rate in 2.5 out of 4.
"All the characters had dark hair and the same build" - deedee, I said the same thing to the Princess. I probably rated it too high.

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