Cut back on cholesterol and saturated fat...

This is exactly right. My DH is exactly like his mom only he has never been a drinker, only smokes which is bad enough. But his doctors even tell him he is exactly like his mother. I am like my dad, probably have a big old heart attack.
This is exactly right. My DH is exactly like his mom only he has never been a drinker, only smokes which is bad enough. But his doctors even tell him he is exactly like his mother. I am like my dad, probably have a big old heart attack.

i am so screwed then LOL.
My dad has heart disease,diabetes,Hypertension and high blood pressure and a few other issues and my mom has high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
Thanks PaulaJoAnne for that great find on the Gutenberg Project. Have you got any more like that? I'll be saving them to my puter for later perusing?

Must go now though to hang up some clothes on the line.
This is exactly right. My DH is exactly like his mom only he has never been a drinker, only smokes which is bad enough. But his doctors even tell him he is exactly like his mother. I am like my dad, probably have a big old heart attack.

i am so screwed then LOL.
My dad has heart disease,diabetes,Hypertension and high blood pressure and a few other issues and my mom has high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

If you strive to eat only real foods, you can reverse your tendencies.
And you can help any children you have, to further reduce their risk. It takes 3 generations to mess everything up fully, and it can take just as many to revers the trend fully.
But it can and should be done.
This is exactly right. My DH is exactly like his mom only he has never been a drinker, only smokes which is bad enough. But his doctors even tell him he is exactly like his mother. I am like my dad, probably have a big old heart attack.

You don't have to have a heart attack. Do not resign yourself to it.
Ok, so tell me, what am I doing right, and what am I doing wrong with my diet and the diet of my family?

Generally we eat meat with every dinner. We eat a lot of chicken, some turkey, lots of tilapia, salmon, and when we can afford it, beef. We also eat A LOT of potatoes (darn Irish in us, lol), but we also eat white rice cause it's cheap, margarine, pasta, olive oil (though my mother cooks more with that than I do, it doesn't sit so well in my stomach unless it's the kind with no odor or taste), Smart Balance cooking oil, white flour, sugar, brown sugar, cereals, pancake mixes, ice tea (Arizona, though I've been making sun tea this week and drinking some more of that), cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese (when we can afford it), fruit, and lots of veggies, though usually it's broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, peas, green beans, corn, and beans. We're on a VERY tight budget so we buy what we can afford. Primary places of shopping are Aldi's and WalMart. We try to always keep milk in the house, but it usually gets used in cereal or in baking and cooking. So what can we do to improve our diet? My mother has high cholesterol, high blood pressure and is a Type II diabetic. My blood pressure is fine, haven't had my cholesterol checked, and I'm hypoglycemic. I'd like to eat better. What does goat milk taste like? I might consider switching over to goat milk and investing in a goat or two if there is a big enough benefit. I'd have to do LOTS of reading about goats and how to raise them first, cause I don't really know that much about them, but I'm a fast learner!

What oils should we cook with? What oils should be avoid? I can't digest corn oil, it actually makes me very sick, so we can't use corn oil. Butter where I am is really expensive, and with as much as we would use, we'd go bankrupt! I love fresh fruit and I've been trying to eat more of it, and now I'm trying to grow more of it too. The kids are already stealing berries from the mulberry tree, lol. Gotta admit though, I love my chocolate!

I'm a dead duck then...

Me too - the misnomer is that all cholesterol ladden foods are bad for you. That is not true. Genetics in my family cause my triglycerides to be over 500. Nothing can be done, no amount of medication lowers it. Like Paula Joann said, sticking with real food (non-processed stuff) is what makes the real difference.

4 large steamed shrimp: 22 calories each, and 43 mg of cholesterol. that is STEAMED not fried.
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