cutest chicken names!

I really don't consider the name "cute'" but the circumstances I do. I have to share how our first naked neck got it's name. 3 weeks ago we were hatching some barnyard mix eggs from my sister's flock. After 10 normally feathered chicks hatching, I had gone to check the last 6 eggs and had a new hatcher laying there, bare necked. I quickly called to my 6 year old to come see the naked neck, (I was kind of excited. I knew my sister had a couple turkens but after 10 "normals" didn't expect the NN). He took one look at it and went, "Ya, it is a naked neck. We should name it 'David'." I chuckled and asked why David and recieved the answer, 'because it's a naked neck'. I still wasn't getting the connection, so I tried one more time. "What does the name David have to do with it being a naked neck?" With a sigh he says. 'You know, the statue of the naked guy named David." LOL We homeschool, and for Kindergarten we did a children around the world series and had studied Italy. One of our books talked alot about the art (along with a full page pic that made his gasp) of Michaelangelo's statue of David. He has never forget So now we have a turken roo (I believe) named David.
very cute! Kids pick up on stuff- when I was homeschooling my son first grade, I said finish my sentence "the great wall of..." and before he could answer his 3 yr old sister chimed in and said "China"
My son named his Buff Orpington Percet after our cat who's name is Percy. He said since they were both buff colored and big they were sorta twins.

We also have a black silkie named Maleficient.
I give my chicks egg names, then they keep their egg name or get renamed. the egg name is what ever comes to mind.
I am incubating some eggs right now, and I have one that has two names. When I water candled (float test), it sank like a rock, so I wanted to name it Rocky, but the next day, I candled it with a flashlight, and it was moving around like crazy, and I commented it was "dancing like a bear", so now I want to name it Bear. I really hope it hatches! LOL! Maybe it will be Rocky Bear!
Ameraucanas--Mrs Norris, Sparrow, Ginger, Bluebeard (a/k/a Bluey)

Black Australorp--Niffin

Cuckoo Marans--Miss Marple, Odessa

WCB Polish: Phyllis (named by my neighbor for Phyllis Diller)

and Cruella:

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I have a Cornish X named Butterball.
She's actually more of a companion and wasn't going to be used for meat. She reminded me of a ball of butter when I finished giving her a bath and was using the hair dryer on her. So since then, her name has been Butterball!

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