cutest chicken names!

Our recent hatches contain Fizz & Flip (silky X), Peeples & Eyeliner (Spangled Hamburg), and until yesterday Sleepy Oyster (Wyandotte). (Sadly that little guy slept a lot cause he wasn't going to make it.)

I do not know where our kids come up with these names!!!
Our first Silkies were named Puff & Stuff...They lived 5yrs...

The only other 'cute' names were a pair of white twins we called Snow-Flake...Whichever was on the left was Snow and the other Flake! ;-)
We have 6 naked neck hens and 1 rooster all with Romanian names:

Gertrude (Gertie)
Berta (Bertie)
& Vladimir (Vlad)

We love them!

Cool birds with nice names. I meet a lot of Romanians in the summer. I wanted Necked-necks/Turkens, but my husband doesn't like the way the way they look. I cannot have any top hats or silkies either bc my oldest son doesn't like the way they look. I think Turkens are a great dual purpose breed.
When I first started raising chickens, my dad named our first RIR pullet Mrs. Peeps.
She turned out to be one of the grumpiest chickens we ever owned, although she was very nice in her later years. R.I.P, old girl.

I usually name my chickens whatever names they seem to like. Some are regular names, others are named after food or fictional characters. Here are a few that come to mind:

Chick-A-Dee (Easter Egger)
Muffin (Faverolles)
Whiskers (Faverolles)
Peeve (Faverolles - I have a pet Peeve? Get it?)
Snowpuff (Silkie)
Kanga (Australorp)
Bleu (Easter Egger)
Minnie (Minorca)
Maple (Welsumer)
Wally (Welsumer)
Sriracha (Rhode Island Red)

And this is slightly off-topic, but my younger brothers named two of our goats after Mario characters.
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Like you said, I like the old lady chicken names! Some of mine;
I also quite like nugget and beaker ;-)
I know I've posted it before, but I still love the names SPUD and SPIKE for roos and PRECIOUS and MUGGSY for hens.
I let my grandchildren choose the name and they take "ownership" of those even though paw paw and I are the ones who care for them and feed them. They know exactly which girls are theirs and they keep a close check on them. They know which ones are the friendliest and it's sort of a competition between them about which one would lay first - Precious won that race. She belongs to the oldest twin - he is seven. The next to lay was Molly. She is the chosen one of the youngest grandson - he is six. Henny Penny finally dropped her first egg this week and I mean she literally dropped it - I was standing there and she was just walking to me and out plops her first egg. She never slowed up - just kept walking. She belongs to the second twin who is seven. Lady, short for Lady and the Tramp, was named by our then two year old granddaughter. Lady is the chick we had to nurse back to health and her left wing is paralyzed after that bout. Because of her extended illness and the paralysis I sort of doubt she will ever lay, but she is a pet and has earned her place in the flock so she stays. The fifth girl was named by the six year old and she is Lollipop. She is a little younger than the others. We had two others but they turned out to be roosters so we had to rehome them. They were Little Red Hen and we had called her Red which I guess could have remained the name if we had been able to keep him and the last one was named Lizzie but she turned out to be a Lamar so he too had to be re-homed. Today if all goes well I will be meeting someone for two pullets - will have to check with the grandchildren so see what their names will be. Right now the granddaughter is enamoured by Frozen and the Little Mermaid - so wouldn't surprise me if we got an Ariel or a Princess. With the boys - they have been leaning toward Godzilla - I know. But what can you do. They love choosing the names.

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