cutest chicken names!

I named one of my chickens Gizmo.
Quoting myself but I just got 4 chickens, Gizmo is a road island red.I have not named the other 3 because I have heard that chickens get personalitys.
I named mine funny names with help from my friends. They are all ISA Brown females (hopefully. They are still chicks):

Ethan (for my crush)
markiplier (for the YouTuber)
and Pasha.

I love this website.
mine are:
Red sexlink-Fajita
black sexlink-Luna
silver laced Wyandotte- Zsa Zsa

Bantum Hen- Small Fry
Bantum Rooster- Big Mac

Just added 2 new pullets ladies today whom are nameless at the moment. I'm pretty sure their Americauna. Want to help me name them?
Rhode Island Red: patchouli
Easter egger: lady Voldemort ( we kept saying "she who has not been named" and ended up with this)
Black Australop: black Betty
Golden laced wyndotte: goldilocks
Silver laced wyndotte: Henrietta
Welsummer(?): moms chicken ( my mom brought her to us and that's what we end up calling her all the time)
2 white leghorn chicks: both foghorn leghorn( my husband named them)
2 Easter egger chicks: the Fratelli brothers ( from Goonies) even the they're girls
Golden laced polish chick: ?
White crested black polish chick: ?
houdan? Chick: ?

This is Nelly Olsen. She thinks she owns that thar feeder. She's a mean, bossy brat. Love her to death. Only one day old and so much personality :)

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