cutest chicken names!

Chickenletta and Poke- mottled houdan hens
Napoleon- mottled cochin bantam roo
Lottie- calico cochin bantam hen
Legs, Marmalade, and Perry- EE Hens
Sweet Cheeks- OE mix hen
Betty Boop- Black ameraucana hen
Honey Fluff, and "the ladies"- 8 salmon faverolles hens
Butler and Jazz- Salmon faverolles roos
Lady Grey and Dot- blue splash marans hens

Honey fluff! What a CUTE name!! I may have to steal it for my rabbit!
I like weirder chicken names that are not that common( Peeps, Chick, etc.). I just got 2
Rhode Island Reds and was thinking of some names for them. I name my pets after objects like my 2 hamsters are named Chai and Tea cup because of their colors and personality. I was thinking of Snickerdoodle and Bugatti because one is so sweet and the other is fast and likes to try and escape .
I got my very first chickens last Friday. 2 silkie bantams named Samson and Goliath! I had NO idea how much fun this was going to be! I just LOVE watching them fall asleep...Samson just passes out face first with body all sprawled out. Goliath on the other hand..continues to stand and its head nods..jerks awake and then finally face first down with a big fluffy butt in the air! I have them in a play pen right beside me in the living room...really...I had no idea that chickens were THIS awesome!!
I got my very first chickens last Friday. 2 silkie bantams named Samson and Goliath! I had NO idea how much fun this was going to be! I just LOVE watching them fall asleep...Samson just passes out face first with body all sprawled out. Goliath on the other hand..continues to stand and its head nods..jerks awake and then finally face first down with a big fluffy butt in the air! I have them in a play pen right beside me in the living room...really...I had no idea that chickens were THIS awesome!!
Welcome to BYC! I was convinced they would be awful but baby chickens are fabulous I have to admit. We have loved this forum so much info for first time chicken parents.
Mine are...

AnnaBeth (my little neighbor named her)
Sake (like the rice wine)
Liberty (blue AMERICAuna)
Kona (like the district in Hawaii)

And I'm getting another Monday that I'm trying to name...
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We asked our neighbor's younger daughter to name one of our chickens and she came up with HeartSparkles. Hands down the most adorable name I've ever heard. We didn't get to use it so that's up for grabs haha
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