Cutest, Handsomest, and Prettiest Caged Bird


7 Years
Jun 11, 2012
Cleveland, MS
This is a contest for Cutest, Handsomest, and Prettiest Caged Bird!
Judged by me (PetDuck) and one of my friends (ruby m w).
Sorry no prizes but the bragging rights!
This contest ends 2 weeks after the first 7 entries.(per person)
Also check out our other Cutest, Handsomest, and Prettiest contests in: Chickens, Turkeys, Geese, And Ducks!
Post your Pictures, Name and Age.
May the best man (Or Caged Bird) win!
Let the games begin!!!
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This is my "Skeebie", a Latino Peachfaced Lovebird, 12 years old. May she rest in peace. She may be gone, but she is still loved...

No, she is not dead in this pic, LOL, she loved to lay in your hand and catch some zzzzz's.

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Aaww she is just like my boy William, he lies in my hand like that, he is very elderly at 18 and has a few wobbly days now but still very active and cheeky!

Stevie is actually saying "Hi" in this pic!
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Oscar the Grouch. >30 year old Orange Winged Amazon

If he likes you he'll do his tail dance for you

He'll laugh and cackle

He loves to shatter ear drums with his shrieks.


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