Cutest, Prettiest and Handsomist Chicken

Name: Rody
Breed: Sexlink
Section: Handsome Rooster

Name: Cosmo
Breed: Silver Sebright
Section: Handsome rooster

Name:Ginger (all grown up)
Breed: New Hampshire Red
Section: Pretty hen

Name: Shadow
Breed: Silkie
Section: Pretty hen

Name: Ginger (as a baby)
Breed: New Hampshire Red
Section: Cutest chick

Name: Stripes
Breed: Barred Rock
Section: Cutest chick

Name: Ginger (left) and Stripes (right) "BEST FRIENDS"
Breed: New Hampshire Red and Barred Rock
Section: Cutest chick
(I'm not sure if this one is acceptable since both chick are pictured, but I think it's so cute because they really were best friends and after we lost Stripes a few months later poor Ginger was heart broken. Now Ginger is just a big baby as you can see in the more recent photo of her in the pretty hen section.)
these two are my Cutest and prettiest. Ivy and Iris respectivly. gold laced sebrights.

and this is my handsomest. Shadow my beautiful blue mix Cochin.

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