Da' Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread!

Lacey duck and her babies!


"I made these"
WAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!   I cannot believe how beyond adorable Lacey and her fuzz kids are.  In the last pic, note Lacey's very round little body and her orange webs in the grass.  Then the babies.  You holding the one and his little webs.  And the two tinys in your hand.  I am in love with all of them.  

OMG!!! so cute!! this one belongs in the calendar though!

X2!! Aren't these pics just great!!!?!
Congratulations! I can imagine how hard it was!
These pictures are just awesome!! I love them!!

WAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! I cannot believe how beyond adorable Lacey and her fuzz kids are. In the last pic, note Lacey's very round little body and her orange webs in the grass. Then the babies. You holding the one and his little webs. And the two tinys in your hand. I am in love with all of them.

OMG!!! so cute!! this one belongs in the calendar though!

"I made these"

X2!! Aren't these pics just great!!!?!

Congratulations Johnn and Lacey. I especially like the lilac on the far right.

I want them!!! so cute!!
Thank you all!! I'm glad I was told about this thread and I love Call ducks and love taking pics of mine! Lacey had her babies earlier on in the year, she ran away sitting! Thought she was dead until I found her a couple weeks later. Was glad I found her early though as it meant when her babies hatched I could move them all somewhere safe!

Aww so cute.

I wish my ducks would hatch their eggs, but hey thats what I just got my chickens for
Thank you! Do your Calls not sit? Lacey sat twice before she was even a year old. Her first eggs got robbed off her sadly
Lacey was hatched by my Buff Orp chicken, Bella. She thought she was a chicken for ages until I bought her a boyfriend. She then had a little midlife crisis before realizing she was a duck! Bella and Lacey have kept a nice little bond tho. It's so sweet. Lacey loves a good scrap with the hens. She's the boss of the cockerels but the two top hens refuse to give in to her lol. But she only respects Bella, she never starts on her.











Then this is when Lacey got a boyfriend!!

Yes, @Johnn keep the pics coming! This is my first year with call ducks, (well ducks period) and I can imagine that Lacey imprinted on her chicken mama pretty hard. The pics told the story beautifully. In spring I hatched a single call duckling from shipped eggs and she thought she was human for the longest time. I'm actually not sure if she knows she's fully duck yet. But she finally likes to go outside each day and visit the other ducks. There's progress but it's slow.

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