Da' Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread!

Where did everyone go?!?!
If anybody is still looking at this thread I have a few questions!

Are they really loud? Like really really loud? Or do they just quack a lot?
I know they are loud but are they super loud I guess.

Do you separate your ducks from your chickens? Or do they do fine together?
On the same topic how do you add ducks to your flock? Just like you would new chickens?

And Can they eat regular chicken feed? (layer pellets)

Also, my most important question, do they do okay with electric fencing? I have my chickens in an electric fenced pen and it's roughly 4 feet tall and I would have my ducks wings clipped.

Answer my questions if you can!
Yes, call girls are very loud! They were bred to be loud to draw down the wild mallards. I have them free ranging with all my other birds and goats and they do fine. They can eat regular layer feed, they will forage for quite a bit if you let them. They can fly, but mine never leave our property. I can't help with the electric fence, but they are pretty small so if it is just strands, they may go under it.
If anybody is still looking at this thread I have a few questions!

Are they really loud? Like really really loud? Or do they just quack a lot?
I know they are loud but are they super loud I guess.

Do you separate your ducks from your chickens? Or do they do fine together?
On the same topic how do you add ducks to your flock? Just like you would new chickens?

And Can they eat regular chicken feed? (layer pellets)

Also, my most important question, do they do okay with electric fencing? I have my chickens in an electric fenced pen and it's roughly 4 feet tall and I would have my ducks wings clipped.

Answer my questions if you can!
Mine aren't very loud. They call a lot when they see me, especially first thing in the morning or if I have a bucket, lol. Other than that, they are pretty quiet and just chatter every now and then. If I have to pen them for some reason or other, they are a lot louder though. My ducks and chickens are together. The ducks make a big mess, and I feed/water in a covered area outside of the coop so the coop stays dry and clean for the chickens. They are only locked up together overnight, and during the day they go off their own ways, but seem like when it's nap time the whole flock sticks together. I wouldn't keep them together if they couldn't free range and have their own space though, it would end up being too wet and messy for the chickens and they wouldn't get along as well I think.

My first call's of the year hatched! I got these eggs, then we had a snowstorm, and no eggs since! I hope they start laying again soon.
Here's 2 of them.

Hello all
I have my white call female with my blue fawn call male and I was wondering if anyone had any idea of what I will get from this crossing? I have crossed this white hen with a gray male and gotten black bibbed ducklings. Will these ducklings from this blue fawn x white be bibbed also?
For those who want to know what a female call duck sounds like, I just uploaded a video to YouTube of my duck squawking in her travel-pen in a hotel room during our move. This wouldn't have been too big of a deal, except that we'd snuck her into a hotel with a "no pets allowed" policy.

When it comes to this type of squawking, I'd say she has three levels of alarm and corresponding loudness, and this is about a level 2. Level 1, of moderate loudness, would imply something like, "Hey, I don't really like what's going on right now. Can somebody please change it?" Level 2 is more like, "This situation is really scary! Make it stop!" And then there's level 3, a frantic and eardrum-shattering squawk of something like, "OH MY GOD, I AM ABOUT TO DIE!!! SOMEBODY PLEASE SAVE ME RIGHT NOW!" Level 3 isn't too common, but you know...sometimes she might unexpectedly see her shadow or something.

So, there ya go.
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Thanks for the replies to my question!
Diamond88, I love your ducky! She's so cute! The black and white, and the buff are my favorite colors in call ducks. =)

Can you use a shallow water trough for a swimming spot? =)

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