Daily Duck Egg Report for 2015

I'm still getting 2 a day pretty regularly. Peek hasn't missed a day, and Poke is finally starting to catch up with her. Both of them are laying in the morning now.
Those eggs sure are nice to find aren't they?I love having fresh eggs right out my back door almost.
Two more today! Poke decided to wait until 10:30 today to lay hers, I'm guessing we're coming up on her skipping another day.

PLENTY of eggs for omelettes this weekend. I really look forward to those all week.
Two more today! Poke decided to wait until 10:30 today to lay hers, I'm guessing we're coming up on her skipping another day.

PLENTY of eggs for omelettes this weekend. I really look forward to those all week.
I love that baby pic Kaessa did you get a new baby?
Hi all! New here and jumping in because I love to talk about my ducks! I have a trio of barnyard mix hatched by a rogue duck, but I got an interesting assortment of colors. One duck is black, one is blue bibbed, and the drake looks like a silver appleyard.
Both of my ducks started laying in November, and once they started they didn't stop! An egg a day from each without fail, all through this bitterly cold winter. I had light on them and I think that made the difference. Really, I was disgusted with my chickens, who despite the light took the winter off and ate a bunch of food without giving any back to me! We started scrambling duck eggs with chicken eggs, but when the chickens pooped out on us we went to eating only duck eggs. Yum!
I put a bunch of eggs in my incubator, but I'll have to wait for a few days to see whether they're fertile. I only ever see the ducks mating when they're outside, and right now they don't go outside because what will they do in three feet of snow? No forage to be had out here. On the other hand, I don't sit and watch them in their house, so they may be getting busy out of sight. We'll see.
4 today. I get a 3-1/2 oz plus from Snow almost every day and the others vary. It has been 3-5 all this week. It has been colder and they got their first pools in a week today plus Kaine has been running around being the jerk drake both in the yard and in the house. I am setting up a temporary fence to separate him for about 2 weeks - probably starting this weekend. (We will bring him inside in the "sick bird" dog crate for the nights - hopefully no one else needs it during this time).

I made a new observation and it is related to eggs so I will include it here... We had been providing our birds with Nutrena oyster shell in the 7 lb bag - they may make different kinds so what I get at Murdoch's is a pure white granular (roughly cubic) substance - the grains are about the same size and shape as the salt you use to melt ice on sidewalks. Two bags lasted from when they started laying last summer until about two weeks ago. We have been putting most of our duck supplies (food, cracked corn, dried meal worms) in 5 gallon buckets and the buckets in a deck bench that holds 8 buckets and we just bought a second bench. So I decided we should get a 50 lb bag of oyster shell and put it in 5 gallon buckets. The new oyster shell is rounded tumbled chips about the size and shape of a pinky nail. They are obviously "shells from oysters" with the color and surface texture. The ducks are LOVING it and have already eaten at least 2 lbs of it. NO WAY 7 lbs will last multiple months. The one duck who has been laying soft eggs (not identified so far...) is now laying eggs with a crusty shell (not all one piece yet, but better so she is eating more of the oyster shell.) I bet in a couple weeks I won't get any soft (or crusty) shells
. So, even if ducks are supposed to "know" and use their discretion eating calcium, apparently some forms are more palatable to them than others. My ducks vote for the oyster shell chips!

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