d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Sorry to hear Cynthia, hate it when you loose a favorite.

Thank you, JJ. She was just weird from the get-go, but she was my little lunatic child and we sure loved her. I'm not sure what issues this breed really has/encounters, but Carly, who is head hen, super duper tiny, and one of the originals, about to turn 5 years old, is also acting not herself right now. They were all wormed last month with Valbazen, but it's been very, very wet here; I mean, monsoon wet so maybe there's a mold issue in the ground somehow that I have no control over. Roads are washed out, businesses flooded, etc, but we are up on a small mountain and the property drains well. That still doesn't keep pens from staying wet nor shavings from staying damp just from the saturated air, even with super great ventilation in all coops.
So sorry to hear of your loss.
This has been a crazy wet year for us also. I'm dumping the wheelbarrow about every other day. About the best rain gauge I could come up with.
I lost a Pyncheon pullet not long ago. I thought it was a brain injury but it may have been a stroke.
So sorry to hear of your loss.
This has been a crazy wet year for us also. I'm dumping the wheelbarrow about every other day. About the best rain gauge I could come up with.
I lost a Pyncheon pullet not long ago. I thought it was a brain injury but it may have been a stroke.

Sorry for your little gal, too. I've lost the D'Anver to odd stuff, one hen to a broken leg that presented like a hip injury, one to a oil gland tumor, a hen to what I think was a head injury from flying into a wall or the big picture window of the coop she was living in at the time, a young male to what may have been a heart issue and now, Lucy. They are so small that anything would be magnified, it seems to me.
Was wondering how everyone was faring this lasted weeks with the weather.
So sorry to hear about Lucy.

Thank you, Kathryn. She was a sweet, quirky little gal, one of a kind. I hope the rest will survive this weird weather. We're about to get rid of rain and plummet in temps to where they should be this time of year, but I see snow in the approaching fronts. From spring in winter to snow, good grief. I was in shorts for two days.
Yes, this has been an unusual winter. The blizzard is still on here...started with rain Saturday. We have had rain, hail, sleet, snow, high winds. There have been tornados in our state as well. Plenty of flooding and downed power lines. Christmas Day the temperatures were in the high 60s.
Yes, this has been an unusual winter. The blizzard is still on here...started with rain Saturday. We have had rain, hail, sleet, snow, high winds. There have been tornados in our state as well. Plenty of flooding and downed power lines. Christmas Day the temperatures were in the high 60s.

We got into the low 70's, crazy stuff for our 2000 ft elevation in the mtns in almost January. Winds were like a tornado a couple days ago, scary as heck. Nutso stuff, for sure.
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Marry Christmas and yep, crazy weather here, too.All December we had temps around 15°C/60°F now the weather will shift and a cold front is on it's way with lots of cold rain/snow and frost. 2015 was a bad year for my birds/my garden/ and me. I hope for a better 2016.
Marry Christmas and yep, crazy weather here, too.All December we had temps around 15°C/60°F now the weather will shift and a cold front is on it's way with lots of cold rain/snow and frost. 2015 was a bad year for my birds/my garden/ and me. I hope for a better 2016.
Sorry to hear that. Hope your 2016 is so much better than this year was for you.

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