d'anver lovers,discuss the breed and post some pics!

Unbelievably, Carly is still with us, but she is still having periodic seizures. She is very unsteady on her feet, seems her vision is unfocused. I can't just keep her separated forever. Either we'll have to let her go back and the chips fall or put her down if she just keeps hanging on in the same condition.
Has anybody experience with 'dwarfed' d'Anvers? Out of the 6 six chicks that hatched, one pretty much stopped growing at ~3 weeks, has very short legs, and kind of an odd head shape (resembles a baby songbird with oversize beak and angry eyes). She's quite weak and doesn't seem to eat or drink much. We've been bringing her in for the night to eyedrop water and give her easy foods such as mealworms and mashed vegetables. The others are 2 or 3x her size and all hale and hearty.
I have had a couple of dwarf chicks...but none were d'anvers, and none looked like you are describing.

Both that I had died... :oops:

So sorry, but it sounds to me like you will have to put him down. :hugs
That's what I'm afraid of... :hitBut! As long as she/he is peeping strongly and still motoring about, we're going to see if we can keep her up with babying.

On a happier side, of the 5 healthy ones, only 1 looks like a roo. :bow
Yes I have one that's kinda like that. It is a Lavender D'Anver and it's half the size of the other lav d'anvers that it hatched with. It's got a really long and pointed beak and when it tries to eat it completely misses it's food. When it pecks for the food it's really pecking the air but it does manage to eat some and is alive right now. It is currently 8 weeks I think.
The one we have is a lavender, too! Coincidence? Linked?

Finally got some photos of the little bugger:

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