Dark Egg Breeds Thread

I don't help too many of them out, but I will say today is day 27 and a chick came into the world bright and early this morning. I did not help the chick out. This hatch and the last hatch have been the weirdest hatches I've ever had. Both of them took many days longer than any other hatch. This time around I got a chick every 2 days.

Beauty eggs Berk!

drom~ Right on on the backing away a little from them, I had noticed that too, I really like to use the macro flower setting. I also like the museum setting, but that must be used in a room where it is extremely lit up because museum doesn't use a flash on my camera.


Oh.....Morning everyone!!!!!!!

As per your request, here is the response I received from Blackdotte about the white feathers and fluff.

Me- "I read somewhere that the white feather in the hackle and the tail could have been from cuckoo in the background."

David- Old wives tail not genetic correlation with either Cuckoo or Wheaten.

Me- "With the possibility of getting a BC looking pullet from a crossing BC's and Cuckoo's, wouldn't there have been a chance that in the beginning some inexperienced breeders may have thought that the BC looking females from these crosses where still pure as BC and then sold them as such and a unsuspecting new comer to the breed continued to breed them as if they were and so on."

David- "Yes , and not only "inexperienced breeders". I think it has been a widespread practice in the US, and the only logical origin for the numerous cleaned skanked Black Coppers that are only found in the US, and no where else in the World."

Me- "I have 2 BC males that both show white feathers in their hackles, when the hackle feathes are lifted to look at them more closely, I can actually see the white coming in in the form of barring, faint as it is it is barred. What gives?"

David- "Are you saying you have both distinct copper and white feathers in the neck hackle, or the undercolour (base of the neck hackle feather is white? If the latter it is normal. The barring you see is just shade variations, again normal.
If barring was present you would have an obvious barred/cuckoo patterned bird."

And a second response-

David- "White feathers in tail, wing etc can be an inherited defect, or can be caused by a damaged feather follicle. When pulled they will often grow back the correct colour.
White feathers in juvenile birds should be ignored.
White fluff at base of tail can also be an inherited defect, but can also be hormonal. It is common in just about all breeds"

These are a couple of links to the Wheatens Marans thread that has had quite the discussion on white feathers and fluff. This link is David's response.

Hope it helps shed some light on these issues for us all.

Good morning, I just wanted to tell everyone how excited I am. This weekend I purchased a trio of Welsummers AND a quad of Blue Copper Marans!!! Here are some questions I have. Is it true that Blue Coppers don't always throw blue chicks? Is it normal for the hens not to have copper in their neck feathers?

Photos are a must! Both breeds please.

Yes it is true that Blue Coppers don't always throw blue chicks.

Blue x Blue = 25% Black, 25% Splash and 50% Blue
Blue x Black = 50% Blue and 50% Black
Blue x Splash = 50% Blue and 50% Splash
Splash x Splash = 100% Splash
Splash x Black = 100% Blue
Black x Black = 100% Black

Yes, some Blue Coppers may not show any copper or show very little just as you see in the Black Coppers. Just because they do not show any copper does not mean that they do not carry the gene. If they came from copper parents they carry copper.
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Photos are a must! Both breeds please.

Yes it is true that Blue Coppers don't always throw blue chicks.

Blue x Blue = 25% Blue, 25% Splash and 50% Blue
Blue x Black = 50% Blue and 50% Black
Blue x Splash = 50% Blue and 50% Splash
Splash x Splash = 100% Splash
Splash x Black = 100% Blue
Black x Black = 100% Black

Yes, some Blue Coppers may not show any copper or show very little just as you see in the Black Coppers. Just because they do not show any copper does not mean that they do not carry the gene. If they came from copper parents they carry copper.

Pink, the first blue x blue says 25% blue 25% splash 50% blue????
As far as the pictures go I have to figure out how to get them posted, I don't have a computer. I use my phone.

Photos are a must! Both breeds please.

Yes it is true that Blue Coppers don't always throw blue chicks.

Blue x Blue = 25% Blue, 25% Splash and 50% Blue
Blue x Black = 50% Blue and 50% Black
Blue x Splash = 50% Blue and 50% Splash
Splash x Splash = 100% Splash
Splash x Black = 100% Blue
Black x Black = 100% Black

Yes, some Blue Coppers may not show any copper or show very little just as you see in the Black Coppers. Just because they do not show any copper does not mean that they do not carry the gene. If they came from copper parents they carry copper.

Pink, the first blue x blue says 25% blue 25% splash 50% blue????
As far as the pictures go I have to figure out how to get them posted, I don't have a computer. I use my phone.

LoL! Thank you. Fixed it.
All i have ever had is RIR, but am considering getting a dark brown egg laying breed. Would i be better off to go with welsummers or marans?

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