Dark Egg Breeds Thread

My dear roo is so mad at me right now that he won't even come to me to get cracked corn!

I've kicked him out of the girls area for two days in a row.
He was locked up with them for the last couple of weeks because it has been to cold to let them free range.
Too cold (for me at least)

Anyways, the sweet roo got too rough with one of my hens and
now he is serving time in the pigs pen during the daylight hours.

He is sooo not happy!
Maybe he will learn to be a little more gentle.
If not, he is going to be one LONELY boy until it warms up a little more
There are some clean legged ones out there. . . They shouldn't have clean legs, but there are some out there.
OK i thought i had heard or read that there were some that were clean legged. But i guess that isn't in the breed standard. I dont have anything against feather legged breeds, but i have always heard that they were much more likely to have problems with leg mites and other things.
I've got Brahmas and Marans, neither have ever had leg problems, especially even for the fact that we live in a VERY wet, humid, and mucky climate.
A friend of mine has BCM and every once in awhile he has a chick hatch that has clean legs. Should chicks like that be culled?
That's about how many he gets. He uses an incubator and he might get one chick like that out of the 42 eggs he sets. I don't think he sells them though.

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