Dark Egg Breeds Thread

The two dark eggs are from my RIR! Incredible, but they are just as dark as the Wellie eggs, which are speckled. (Not as dark as the Splash Marans I ordered, except numbers 8-9-10, and not as dark as the local BCM eggs I bought, but dark, nonetheless! Brahma eggs are the 10 and 2 o'clock. (I am so excited to add blue egg layers to my flock in March, Jeremy!)

Green egg again today, so I guess my EE is back at it for real! Yippee!

If I cross a [Wheaten AM with a Splash Marans] F1A, then cross a {Speckled Sussex with a Blue Cochin}F1B, and then cross the F1A x F1B , will I get a close cousin to a Mille Fleur LF Cochin, which apparently doesn't exist? I've got two feathered shank birds in there... and what color egg? Hmmm...

Cheryl, what color egg does your Speckled Sussex lay?
Pinkchick - Kim thank you so much for the beautiful Welsummer eggs! Here's the picture before they went into the bator on tuesday

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You are very Welcome and Thank You! I am very happy you like them, each one is slightly different, love the variety that we get with Welsummers. I hope everyone of them hatches for you. Can't wait for updates!
These are the eggs Ijust received from the Ebay auction. They are splash marans, some very nice dark ones, I'll have to try and keep track of who hatches from what! Plus I have 9 silver penciled plymouth rock eggs to set with them!

Ok so let's see how far this obsession can go-these are the eggs in the bator

35 wheaten marans
1 blue wheaten marans
12 Icelandics
15 Welsummer
18 Splash marans
hmmm no way total 90 eggs

splash marans eggs
I have never had real dark eggs before. Our Barred Rocks, Barnevelders and Australorps all lay light brown to medium brown eggs. Well someone just gave me 2 BC Marans eggs and they are really dark,.. well for us anyway and I have to say,. it gave me a chill,. I want more like that! I have one of the incubators ready to go and the eggs go in tomorrow! Why didn't someone tell me how cool they are!

am I being silly?

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