Daughter broke up with boyfriend and I'm the one depressed!

I am so sad and mad. I looked on his fb site and he's off to America, having refused to pay child care as he can't afford it. So sick, he's having a great time with his new gf telling him to have a fab time, and I'm still miserable. Was doing so well too. Will it ever end?
DAY BY DAY… Yes, It does get better in time. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel (sorry for the cliche) but true. Though I have days where I relapse into state of depression but I can smile about it a little more then the day before. I hope you all are doing better too!
Im doing much better he crosses my mind sometimes breuily though .. No more memory lane and crying and snooping.. Will always love him regardles but theres no other alternative then to move on
Glad you both sound better. It is like grieving, and I've moved on to the angry stage and at least don't feel so sad. Nobody warns you about this part of being a mother, do they? We'll keep improving and the down days won't last. Xx
I feel like my life is over! I know I am being silly about this but I can't help it. My 19 year old daughter and her boyfriend of 1 year just broke up. I wanted him to be my son in law and my grand kids dad! He is the best in every way and comes from a wonderful family who are very well off. They are thought of highly in our community. The breakup was mutual . .. They broke it off because they were only happy when they were together. Thought the other might cheat when apart and made themselves miserable over it. My husband and I have been married 22 years but have a very bad relationship. No cheating or abuse we just don't like each other anymore. We have separate beds. My daughter loved being with his family. She never seems to want to be with us. We have given her plenty of love and material things, just have never shown much love between her dad and I. I wanted this family and the life they could give her to be her future. The only joy I have is my daughter being happy. Why did they have to break up? I am consumed with it. I feel like I can't survive.
Your life is over? You cant survive? Seriously? I understand the sadness the loss but its not the end of the world! Its her life her expearience **** happens! You need tp relax and learn to let go of what you cant control, if its meant to be it will be if not she will one day meet the love of her life shes so young , you have to stop living through her life and work on yours thats why this is so hard for u trust me i know .

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