Daughter broke up with boyfriend and I'm the one depressed!

I wondered about the name. Lol I guess as long as we know this isn't normal behavior we are still sane! I finely fell asleep for a couple of hours, just woke up and dread the day,
Yup we have all been there! Like it was my breakup ! I never went through that pain as a young girl .. Anyway it will take lots of time but this too shall pass.. I was consumed by it such an unhealthy way to live and i repeat for someone who probably doesnt give a fcuk about you! Moving on laughing loving and living! And were home crying ! Its so pointless! People change memories dont so stick to the memories and let him go for both your sakes! Its like a death we at a point need to stop mourning them so their soul rests in peace ! We have to let them move on i kept bringing him back to a place he didnt want to be.. i was selfish he was right , i should have let him go
now he hates me
I am sure he was just lashing out in anger. At some point he will realize that you reached out because you cared. I know that I can't do anything about this situation. This boy was " the catch of the century" so to speak and I wanted that for my daughter. I hope time heals. I can't even pull myself together enough to go to work. I wouldn't mind hitting my head and getting amnesia right now.
I know what you mean .. And i hope he does realize one day , and i thought he was perfect for her also he loved her so much its heartbreaking
Yup we have all been there! Like it was my breakup ! I never went through that pain as a young girl .. Anyway it will take lots of time but this too shall pass.. I was consumed by it such an unhealthy way to live and i repeat for someone who probably doesnt give a fcuk about you! Moving on laughing loving and living! And were home crying ! Its so pointless! People change memories dont so stick to the memories and let him go for both your sakes! Its like a death we at a point need to stop mourning them so their soul rests in peace ! We have to let them move on i kept bringing him back to a place he didnt want to be.. i was selfish he was right , i should have let him go
now he hates me

You mean we have to stop mourning so OUR souls rest in peace! You weren't selfish, you were just devastated x
Feeling consumed about it all again. We've been removed from his social network and feel so let down. After all the love we had for him and everything we did for him he just isn't what or who we thought he was. Felt so much better and now back to square one. Just can't bear this, we loved him so much.

Sorry for moaning but can't speak to anyone else. My daughter is happy and says she isn't hurt by him just glad to be away from him. I am pleased that she's happier, just so sad that it isn't lasting for ever x
Doesn't life stink. I know each of our situations are a little different but the pain is the same. Heartbreak! I am glad that your daughter is happy. There is some comfort in knowing that. My guess about the ex is that any connection with you is to painful for him. I know that doesn't make it any easier for you though. I am still crying all the time. My daughter finally told me that her boyfriend broke it off and is already enjoying the single life while she can barely force herself to get out of bed she is so hurt. She thought their relationship was good. It was a shock to her when he ended it. They had a good time she said , dinner and movie. When he brought her home he broke it off saying he wanted to be single. I am grieving for her and I am also grieving for the loss of a dream that I had. (Got that from the quote below) I know he will be a great father and husband some day. I was dreaming of that future for my daughter. I am reading scripture and googling how to cope daily. When I read , I realize all of the things being written but my pain is there and not easing yet. What you are dealing with is probably more like the death of a child. That has to be terrible. I read something I will share.
Do you ever put your hopes into plans and goals?
When things don't work out, you end up grieving over the death of a dream.
God wants to give us the desires of our hearts, but we first need to turn them over to Him.
Only after submitting to Him can He help you rebuild that dream.
Wish we had an off button to turn off the pain. It helps sharing with you.
Thank you both. I want to cry I feel so hurt. Feel really sick in my stomach. Things felt so much better - that's what I get for saying it just takes time. I still believe that but obviously the bad days aren't ready to go yet. And looking at his fb page for the last 5 hours has set me back days.

I'm sorry Bleana about your daughter, that's so sad but thank goodness she has spoken to you about it. And thank you Connie for understanding how this feels. I' m not sure why he's done it but my husband and both daughters have been unfriended. This has been a hard lesson not to look back x

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