Daughter broke up with boyfriend and I'm the one depressed!

i do he was and still is somewhat close to me. he will text or snapchat pretty frequently. they are still friends and he comes to my house a lot when my daughter has people here. sometimes the anxiety is unbearable. i know it will get better but wow this is hard
Must be so hard for sure since you are in touch and see him, i cant even imagine! Yes you need to try to control your emotions my anxiety and depression got so bad i fight it everyday i let this situation consume me , it is what it is it sucks but if its meant to be it will be , take care of you and hope things will work out in the end there's not much else you can do we have no control over this whatsoever unfortunately
it's been interesting to say the least. he has been calling me his second mom forever and i know the right thing to do is to not communicate anymore but he really is like a son so i haven't been able to
he's doing pretty well. i think yhat the fact they have remained close friends helps. i'm keeping my fingers crossed that they'll give it another try
Its cause it gives him hope for now , what is shr saying? Does she know you guys are still in contact? Does she tell you how she feels? How old are they? And how long were they together just curious
they are still in hs so definitely too young to know if it would have been a forever thing. it's almost one of those situations that they were together at the wrong time. she knows he contacts me and i actually stopped speakimg to him for a while because she thought i was taking his side, which of course i wasnt. they have to face each oth r every day so i'm hoping that somehow that will reignite the spark somehow... only time will tell
I did take his side i have to say! High school love is sweet i hope they work it out ! Im here if you need to talk! Its quite a roller coaster ride

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