Day 19. Anxiety

Two pips now, and movement from one other egg. A few loud chirps. The original pip is making a tiny bit of progress...I'm so worried!!! Plus, the second pip is in the middle of the egg!
Two pips now, and movement from one other egg. A few loud chirps. The original pip is making a tiny bit of progress...I'm so worried!!! Plus, the second pip is in the middle of the egg!
Deep breaths. It will be fine. Shout if you need a hand though - I am not experienced, but I have read the whole of BYC so that counts for something, right? :yesss:

I'm just checking Google for everything that could go wrong while watching 2 eggs do jack.
Hope everyone’s hatches today are going well or are starting to get going. My face is right up against the incubator window. Fiancé has taken to calling me broody since I don’t want to be bothered as I already missed the first one hatch. Here’s a chick pic of my first little one to hatch to tie you other broody humans over haha. 4 more have pipped! It’s day 21 now. EE104614-C59C-4884-80DA-0343E91C43E0.png
Mine are late bloomers! I'll blame it on my drafty old house. Day 21 and not a pip or peep, just a couple of wiggles.
It’ll happen. I have chicks popping outta shells like crazy under my broodys but of the ones in the incubator, the one that pipped at 6:30 this morning has barely made progress and a second has pipped but it’s going sooo slow in there..
I’m getting old before my time waiting for this! :old
I should also mention. This guy took 22 hours from external pip to hatch. I kept thinking I should intervene. I'm glad I sat on my hands!

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