Day 27 egg discoloration



7 Years
Aug 28, 2016
Memphis, TN
I have six Hookbill eggs in lockdown since yesterday. One egg is internally pipped and moving but the whole airsac area of the egg is discolored. I have hatched many eggs but not seen this before. Any ideas?
Note: the eggs were driven over 100 miles but not shipped. The other five are pushing on the membrane but have not internally pipped.
I don’t think he made it 😞. I made a safety hole but I think too late.
Today is day 27. But, I set the eggs in the evening of day 0, so I kinda figured they would hatch on Tuesday. There is another one with a small, lighter spot of discoloration right were he internally is pipping. Does he need an air-hole too?
I don’t think he made it 😞. I made a safety hole but I think too late.
Today is day 27. But, I set the eggs in the evening of day 0, so I kinda figured they would hatch on Tuesday. There is another one with a small, lighter spot of discoloration right were he internally is pipping. Does he need an air-hole too?
They say not to make one unless it has fully internally pipped and even then hours after that so I am not sure. Are hookbills hard to hatch out themselves? I am not familiar with them. They say Call Ducks are due to their small bills but mine made it out under a Momma duck just fine. I think she may have assisted though as sometimes Momma ducks do. Good luck with this little one and I am sorry you lost the other one.
They say not to make one unless it has fully internally pipped and even then hours after that so I am not sure. Are hookbills hard to hatch out themselves? I am not familiar with them. They say Call Ducks are due to their small bills but mine made it out under a Momma duck just fine. I think she may have assisted though as sometimes Momma ducks do. Good luck with this little one and I am sorry you lost the other one.
I usually try to sit on my hands when hatching ducks but the waiting is always so difficult. I have never hatched Hookbills before and the information about them is so limited. I do know that their bills curve as they grow from uneven growth rates of the top vs bottom bill halves. So, hopefully it doesn’t affect hatching. I have also heard one person say that they can be difficult to hatch due to the inbreeding that was necessary to save them from extinction. 🤷‍♀️
Once you know for sure baby is fully internal where you see the beak
You ca. either wait 12-18 hours or make the safety hole before that
Safety hole for me is as big as my tac
Very tiny abc I go just above where I see the beak when candling
Then I leave the egg alone
Often 95% of the time they still make their own pip and zip out
My safety hole is just giving them more time to do it so they don’t die trying
I’m not trying to assist the hatch
If after 48 hours you have seen no external pip you can candle above the air cell into the egg
By then baby has moved down and your able to see in to check for veins
If it looks clean no veins then you can zip a cap and pull it back slightly so it loosens the hinge and bsby can push out on its own
If you see veins still wait another 6 hours to check again
I no longer open my eggs up while assisting
This way I do not need to keep membrane moist
I can leave the egg alone to do it’s thing
Baby gets the air it needs through the tiny pin hole just like their little external pip they keep till they zip
They don’t need big air holes
The baby with the dark I have seen it a few times and have had one that died and others that hatched
Make sure there is no movement before giving up on it
I can usually candle above the air cell towards the pointy end and see if baby has passed
Hope this helps

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