Day old chick cannot walk, falls on side

So the very last little chick in this batch did so just as I was originally posting here. It is a yellow chick. When it first hatched it sprawled out on its back but I was not worried because we all know how they look when they first come out. But now here I am 5 hours later and he is still on his back making no attempts to right himself. I have rolled him on his belly but he immediately pushes himself back on his back.

Originally I thought that this was a relatively late hatch. I had thought they were hatching on day 23. I looked at my calendar again and they actually started on day 21 and ended on day 22. 94% hatch rate over all. 17 out of 18 were fertile. All made it to lockdown. The one that died did externally pip though it was on the wrong end and on the bottom of the shell. I did not know he had pipped until I found him dead in the shell. My temp and humidity were steady during incubation, but am now wondering what is going on? Genetics? Something with the hatch? 2 chicks are displaying bad symptoms. They came from the same flock, healthy birds, all of the other chicks look great, running around like new chicks should.

So does it sound like the yellow chick too has splay leg? Is this another way it can manifest itself? Since it is late and I don't know what else to do at this point I have treated this chick the same way: Pedialyte, bound it's legs with band aids, and put it in a deep cup. It's legs too are very strong, No matter what I do this chicks pushes really hard with both legs and ends up on his back. Please tell me it is the same thing and I am doing the right thing. Please tell me it's going to be okay...

If this is not splay leg, any ideas as to what it is? The only other thing that I have noticed that is different with this chick is that it's neck is curled forward a little kind of into itself like it would have been in the egg... almost like he has not completely stretched out yet. Could this be a hatching injury? Chick hatched on it's own, but like I said it was the last one to hatch.
I do not know the answers but I just wanted you to know that I am sending good thoughts and prayers your way. Hang in there and know that they are fragile little things at this age. You sound very kind and I'm sure you are doing the best that any could with them. I would wait a few days before worrying that this is a genetic defect. That can all be determined later. Just give them lots of water and electrolytes even throughout the night if they are unable to do so on their own. Love them while they are here.
Thank you for that.

I just found my little black chick dead. I am so sad.

My little yellow chick was freaking out in the cup and I was afraid he was going to get stepped in the brooder by the other chicks. I moved him back into the Bator. I hope I made the right decision.

It's ironic that this was my highest hatch rate to date and the one I've had the most problems with after the hatch. Asking for help from St. Francis.
So sorry you are having such trouble after the hatch.

Whereabouts in NE Ohio are you? I'm in NW West Virginia, not far from the Ohio border near Marietta.
Little yellow chick is not doing well. His legs are strong enough and he must have been kicking his legs pretty good last night cuz he was able to work one of his legs free of the bandaid during the night. Today I have him in the brooder but separated. He just lays on his side and makes no attempt to move. He will not eat and will only drink if I dip his beak.

My black chick I think died last night because he could not move in and out from under the heat lamp. I kept checking on him and one minute he was fine and next he was dead. The other chicks could move around to regulate their temp. That's what I was trying to do for this guy but must not have been watching close enough. It all happened in the space of an hour.

If you guys cannot tell I'm super attached to my birds. I feel utterly responsible for them having brought them into this world. I know this little yellow chick is not going to make it. There is a voice in my head that says maybe I should cull him. But I'm too weak. He is not crying out in pain. I keep holding onto hope that he is going to perk up and get better. But in many ways he is worse than the little black chick. I think the little black chick would have recovered if he had not gotten over heated. I don't think I caused these disabilities but I think the only blame I hold with the little black one is not watching his temp better. I don't realistically see little yellow ever walking since he really makes no attempt.

I don't mean to ramble. I've just been worrying all night. Thanks for listening.

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