Day old chicks on ground?


5 Years
Sep 27, 2015
My hen just hatched some chicks, should I put them in a 4x4 pen on the ground or a 3x3 pen off the ground with a plywood floor? Both will have heat lamps
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Since the chicks have a momma, there should be no need for any additional heating (unless its extraordinarily cold where you are). Being on the ground is fine for the chicks - they can scratch around a little and thats good. They should be in the main coop (within their mini-coop) on a nighttime. After day 2, I let my chicks out with the rest of the flock - they are fine with mum around to protect them and show them whats good to eat and whats not. Some people leave it later than me, but its all personal choice (I should add that i live in the tropics, so cold is not an issue).


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