Dead chicken this morning


In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2023
All my hens are roughly 8 months old. They are all fine, not sick, no mites, no bumble foot, very healthy.
I went to let them out in the open run but found one of my girls dead on the coop floor. No feathers anywhere. No visible signs of injury. Nothing. Just dead. And rigor had already set in. They were all fine and healthy and happy on their roast last night when I went to close them up. All my other girls are perfectly fine. I removed the dead girl to the words by the lake WAY AWAY from the coop and house to return her body to the earth.
What could have happened? Could she have just plain old died? Though she wasn't that old?
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Are these birds laying? One cause of sudden death is internal laying.

Is there a chance this bird encountered a pesticide for rodents or insects? That would be another cause of sudden death.

If you haven't buried the dead bird, you can cut it open and often it's possible to see eggs accumulated in the abdominal cavity which would indicate internal laying. If the bird was poisoned, sometimes there would be yellowish material inside the mouth.
All my hens are roughly 8 months old. They are all fine, no stock, no bumble foot, very healthy.
I went to let them out in the open run but found one of my girls dead on the coop floor. No feathers anywhere. No visible signs of injury. Nothing. Just dead. And rigor had already set in. They were all fine and healthy and happy on their roast last night when I went to close them up. All my other girls are perfectly fine. I removed the dead girl to the words by the lake WAY AWAY from the coop and house to return her body to the earth.
What could have happened? Could she have just plain old died? Though she wasn't that old?
Pesticide free here. Good layer. No stuff from mouth. Just nothing. . Just dead

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