Dead Rooster..


In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2015
My favorite rooster named Dominique (a barred rock, ironically) was found dead in the coop when we went for eggs. All the other hens are OK though. We saw our neighbors dog running around the coop at the same time he was dead. No marks or blood on him. Next, we saw the dog behind our ac unit with a hen in its mouth. The hen is OK and this isn't the first time the dog has messed with my flock. I'm sick and tired of this because my neighbors do not watch their dog and its always on my lawn. What can I do about this? This needs to be stopped and I don't want the dog put down because its the owners fault, not the dogs.
what I do when our neighbors dogs come over I have a airsoft gun with atleest 300 FPS and I will shoot them in the but or in the hip with it and it works
Is there any legal action I can take? This has gone on too long and my neighbors simply don't care. We went back there to so see two hens being chased after we found the hen in its mouth and my dead rooster
Sorry for your loss. It sure sounds like a very frustrating situation, especially since it sounds like this is not an isolated incident.

Have you talked to your neighbor about the issue? It is their responsibility to keep their dog on their property and there are numerous ways they can do it. If they refuse to, or do not follow through, you can always contact animal control and see if they can get involved. Maybe they can tell you what your options are, as well as remind the dog's owner what their responsibilities are and what will happen if they are not responsible for their dog. They definitely have a nuisance dog.

Any idea how the dog got in the coop? Do you free range? Your other option would be to predator proof your coop and a run so the dog could no longer gain access to your chickens. Then not only are you protecting your flock from this dog, but any other dog, cat, raccoon, fox, coyote, etc. that may see your chickens as a free meal ticket.

Good luck getting to the bottom of things. Please keep us informed if you find any good solution.
Came home from a pool party and my entire flock was out of their coop and run area. We have a huge predator proof setup and somehow they got out. I let them back in the coop and fed and watered them..soon the dog came back and the hens saw it and ran for the back of the run. I soon see hens outside of the area. I go back into the run area and see a huge hole the dog dug and bit through to get into the coop and that's how my hens got out. I suspect that is also how my roo died..he probably had a heart attack from having the dog sneak up on him. We fixed the hole and I have a bb gun put next to my back deck just in case we see that dog again. It sad because its really the ignorance of our neighbors for not properly taking care of it.. But when it comes down to my flock, that's more important. Also I found some other spot where it had attempted to get into my run.
I am sorry for what you are going through with a bad neighbor. We had problems with the next door neighbor for many years, and it was very very frustrating. If your flock is in the run, I think one way is to put electric wire in your property where the dog usually go to. When it get shock, it will learn the lesson. I had neighbor cats that keep coming into my yard creating a nuisance. When my chicks were young, one was caught by a cat, but luckily she got herself loose. The cats don't seem to go after my chicken anymore, but I still don't like them coming here. And I don't even know who are the owners. I am thinking of putting some wire where I see them running to when I chase them away. I will turn on the charger at night because my flock is out during the day now. Until my helper is able to build a bigger run then I will do the paddock system. Good luck.
It's VERY frustrating because I have to stop what I'm doing every 15 or 30 minutes during the day to check on them and make sure its not at the coop. They leave it out all day and night so I am constantly on patrol
Have you checked with your local authorities to see what the laws are for loose dogs?
I assume talking to the neighbors is not a possibility?

Agrees hot wire around coop/run would help immensely...and may permanently dissuade the dog as well as other possible predators.

An 12-18" mesh apron around your coop and run could be another solution for you.
The corner mesh is out of scale in this graphic, but don't forget the corners.
Call animal control....

Maybe you can catch the dog? Take it to the pound or something. This is a ridiculous problem to have and deal with.

Call the police, non emergency number of corse. They will provide direction on the best way to handle it.

Around here that dog would just disappear, but I understand that's not always an option.

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