Deb's Flock - new ducklings March 2016 (pic heavy)

Hurray! and sorry. I had a runner that wouldn't eat much at first. I put a little pinch of sugar in the bottom ring of her drinker and that got her going. Also check out:
It sounds like she might have one leg spraddle and this can be fixed pretty fast if it is done soon.

Also if it is possible, divide your brooder rather than putting her in a separate one so that they can see each other. That way if you can get her eating and walking, when she rejoins the brood, they will be more receptive to her.
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Thanks, Tony. Honestly, I think she's making progress.

Here's some pics. Will get better ones later.

Oh how cute are they!?

So sorry to hear one of them is having issues. Spraddle leg is generally really easy to fix if that is what is wrong with her legs. I've had to fix it in baby parrots a couple of times. Hardest part is that I always had to keep the injured one away from the clutch mates so they didn't trample the injured one.
Such a good Dickie mommie!

AND ducks, too!
Thanks!  We've taped the leg, but it doesn't seem to be helping yet.  I'm letting her get some rest now.


Well, here's the weird thing.  The runt makes 5.  She's smaller,a lot lighter in color than the healthy Cayuga and has the splayed leg.  I'm wondering if they shipped her by mistake.  She was the only one without a green rubber band on her right leg.

I made her a mash so she did eat quite a bit.  Hope I can help her get better!!  :fl

Beautiful babies!!! Hope the runt pulls through... you already got some great advice, only thing I can add is give some extra nutridrench for a boost too... :love :fl :hugs

:lau   :gig   AND ducks, too!


My phone has a one track autocorrect!!

Your phone must know Phil's phone!!! :lau
Thanks! We've taped the leg, but it doesn't seem to be helping yet. I'm letting her get some rest now.


Well, here's the weird thing. The runt makes 5. She's smaller,a lot lighter in color than the healthy Cayuga and has the splayed leg. I'm wondering if they shipped her by mistake. She was the only one without a green rubber band on her right leg.

I made her a mash so she did eat quite a bit. Hope I can help her get better!!
I would say that maybe it was a bonus duck, but they usually don't send those with orders less than 10. As an unbanded duck, it is probably straight run so it may be a drake or a duck. It might also be a Black Runner or if it is possibly brown it could be a KC or a Chocolate Runner. It can be hard to tell when they are very small. Some of my Runners didn't always look runnerish when they were real small - they would keep their necks short and puff up and just look like a smaller duckling. If it is just lighter on the chest, it might be a Black Swedish. Since its leg is injured, you can't use the stompy action that Runners love to identify it either. They may have just figured it was a goner and put it in as a packing peanut to give the other ducklings more padding and warmth. Well you show them and have a strong healthy extra duck
(and name it peanut
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