Depression Era Quilt Block Swap----- Sign-up now CLOSED

ginbart, I like both the blocks. And, I love the fabric. What are you making with it?

I am done washing, pressing, cutting, marking and I have a few of the actual 3 1/2 in. squares all sewn, pressed and squared up.
I wasn't crazy with the scrappiness (is that a word?) of the frugal block. Somewhere I got the idea that we were suppose to keep it very scrappy. That's really not me. So, I'm doing it a bit different with this block.
I'm going with a somewhat controlled scrappy theme and I'm liking it.

As I see my blocks come together and those of other swappers, I'm not so sure about a quilt. I can see an awesome table runner. Scrappy and perfect for everyday use. A vase of flowers or a pitcher and the table will be all dressed up.
Everyone's blocks look fantastic! I still have some cutting to do and getting started on sewing this weekend, I have an idea it will go fast
It seams I have a lot of fabric I keep collecting so I'm just using that and in my quilting guild we did a fabric exchange with 10 inch blocks so I'm using some of those. All my blocks will be the same mostly but since they are going to different people it doesn't matter if they are the same. Thanks prairiegirl
Oh my goodness Ginger..I love that fabric..sure wish I could find that around here!!..I also like your blocks..mine are very close to yours..very scrappy but I liked each block "best"....I really like scrap blocks!
Ginbart, I think I am going to pretty closely follow your method as everyone gets one...trying to figure out how to keep them all different is making me kind of frustrated, especially not grabbing and having 2 of the same fabric mistakenly in one...
Back to the sewing machine...
Thanks Sunrise farms. The fabric came from my DD, she lives in Delaware and when Wal Mart stopped selling it she got all they had. She game me some and some went to another family member. I'm going to use it on the back of a quilt I mad for my DA. But I can't seem to find the time to get it done.
So I have 6 done and the other 7 I'm taking apart I moved some of the blocks around and don't like them. Here's what I have done so far and I can't wait to get them back.


I'm thinking of doing this one over if you look at the third row the third block with the green I may change it with the one on the first row the third one over? What do you think? I don't like the green in the middle.

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