destruction and disposal orders HELP

X2. Out of ovations but have to agree!
You are still on this planet and to me, that gives you every right to have an opinion! Just because it hasn't affected AUS yet doesn't mean it can't or won't, so I applaud your conviction!
Here, here! Make mine a turkey 101 please! A toast to John and his healthy, beautiful, LIVING birds!!

*raises glass* Slainte!!!
For the record I am a vet. I have been helping in the ER lists and I still stand by all my statements. This is the first time this strain of high path AI has been in this country, and the worst outbreak in the history of the United States. This is an especially virulent strain and there is great concern it will hit the east coast in the fall. I do not have stock in booties or tamiflu, but I do have friends in the USDA. I have heard how bad it is.

ok, can't get any info . that way and as wvduckchick said in re. to this also that is a closed group...guess since I'm not on facebook I cannot read it,
thanks to you both for trying though !

can you , or someone else reading this, possibly copy & paste just what happened to David, his post on facebook ?
I 've been searching news articles in the ks. area in the meantime, not seeing anything.
curious how it happened, what was the trigger...was it similar to what happened to Johnskoi ?

want to know if the Ks. state rules/regs.
response and containment plan for
highly pathogenic and low
pathogenic avian influenza protocols were followed ?

this is very important for all of us to know, poultry enthusiasts arm yourselves with your state rules now !
this could happen to any of us at any time , very scary and sad for those who have to go through it.

Davids story is pretty much the same as Johns only with a different ending. He also bought eggs from the same place and was subsiquently tracked down and the eggs and birds were destroyed although the birds tested negative.

The state vet is coming back to haul off and destroy all bedding from the coops and to sanitize coops and pens after David cleans them out. Sorry I don't know how to do screen shots, even though there are over 150 replies to the thread.

Perhaps you can find the information you are looking for here;
For the record I am a vet. I have been helping in the ER lists and I still stand by all my statements. This is the first time this strain of high path AI has been in this country, and the worst outbreak in the history of the United States. This is an especially virulent strain and there is great concern it will hit the east coast in the fall. I do not have stock in booties or tamiflu, but I do have friends in the USDA. I have heard how bad it is.
I respect you for staying with your opinion, it is one of experience. I just think this thread is about education and support(as others have said). Negative statements of blame are out of place, IMHO.
But then, I'm always out of place, so what do I know. Lol
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If you want to read the thread you need to join the Facebook group. This is the name:
Peafowl, Pheasants, Guinea Fowls & Quails Buy,Sell & General Chat.
For the record I am a vet. I have been helping in the ER lists and I still stand by all my statements. This is the first time this strain of high path AI has been in this country, and the worst outbreak in the history of the United States. This is an especially virulent strain and there is great concern it will hit the east coast in the fall. I do not have stock in booties or tamiflu, but I do have friends in the USDA. I have heard how bad it is.

I respect your opinion and training. I too am very concerned it will reach the east coast, however...

If by virulent, you are referring to deadly, I will agree. If you are referring to it as being quickly spread, I would respectfully disagree. I'm actually shocked by the slow speed of its spread.

As I've started, perhaps here and on other threads, I live in a very poultry intensive area. No, I don't want it here. By the same token, I've lived through it before, 17,000,000 birds destroyed. I worked in the poultry industry here at the time. I speak from experience. Then, as now, the actual method of transmission was/has not been determined. Yes, it appears in wild birds, so do many diseases. It may also be spread on the wind.

I'm sure the USDA is tracking how it has moved from flock to flock.

I understand quarantine, I understand biosecurity. I fully respect the damage that can be done.

I do not, however, understand how destruction of a flock, no matter how large or small, that "may" have been exposed, test negative and has no deaths is warranted or justified. I understand big business matters more to those in power than the individual.

Therefore, the only conclusion I can reach is "follow the money". Those who have the money get preferential treatment by the government agencies.

The poultry industry will recover, it will take a few years, but it will recover. The price of eggs may increase, but so has the price of gas, beef, pork, and thousands of other products.

I'm not making light of the situation, just trying to understand how it can be justified to destroy someone's property on a "just in case". John did nothing wrong. John didn't have the disease at his location. He was fortunate, I was fortunate. Had he tested positive, he is only 300 miles from me. I'm on alert as it is, I don't need that. But I'm also glad he stood up for his rights as he did.

And yes, I have seen your posts in the emergency section and I appreciate you helping people gratis.

I will ask again: has there been a documented case traced definitively to shipped eggs? I'm asking because it matters to many of us here. I plan to ship eggs in a few days. I will disinfect prior to shipping even though there is no reports of the disease in my area.
I'd like to know if it's affected or altered poultry shows in any way. I don't show poultry. I would just like to know what steps are being done to prevent it from spreading.
I'd like to know if it's affected or altered poultry shows in any way.  I don't show poultry.  I would just like to know what steps are being done to prevent it from spreading.

In Pennsylvania all poultry shows at fairs and such are banned. I think each state makes their own rules.

I personally cancelled demonstrations I do most years as a precaution Even though there is no evidence of it in this state.

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