Development of USA Lavender Orpington - Update PICs pg 8

Wow!! Very nice!! They are certainly coming along and certainly are beautiful.
Those are outstanding!! I had one young Lavender cockeral I hatched from some split black eggs that I got from TuffOldHen but he was killed by dog attack last year.
Thanks so much everyone! I'm so happy you like them. They're currently 20 weeks. They were not too thrilled with the coop cleaning today, but I think they're feeling better about a fresh bed tonight. We were planning to pull the cockerels out to their own pen too, but the one in the 1st pic beat up another one and had him a bloody mess, so we had to isolate the injured boy for healing in the roo house. It looks like he just broke the comb open, which bleeds like crazy and looks a lot worse than it actually is. Hoping they can behave themselves till I get to the store for more bedding for another coop. Naughty boys!

scgamecock, I'm so sorry to hear what happened to your roo.
this is what im working with- still crossing with black orps-but they are getting more true to the orp type the more I cross-my original stock came from HinkJC
(love your lavs!!)I am thinking of doing a different cross -my mind is working OT

lol Working with these projects tends to do that to you. Every time I see an unusual color, I wonder if I can make something of that. It's addicting!
Ive been thinking about trying to make a lavender laced wyandotte- that would be beautiful !! or maybe a lavender laced cochin??? Sheeesh!! the possibilities are endless- It is a beautiful color!!!
Oooh, anything lavender laced would be gorgeous!
Good luck if you decide to take a new project on.
DH discovered two GINORMOUS eggs in our lavender pen today!! I have never seen such size eggs from my girls before but I am very happy that they are getting back to it, yeah!!

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